Targeting an executive and C-suite role often requires a solid online reputation, because recruiters use social media to find and vet candidates, and for proof that you are who you say you are, and know what you say you know. As someone who works with clients seeking LinkedIn optimization service, I know that.
The good news? Whatever you build for your job search can serve as a launching pad for relationship building, which in turn will benefit you and your company wherever you go.
These six steps can help you get started.
- Pick A Platform Or Two
I recommend job seekers start with LinkedIn and add Twitter and/or maybe Facebook.
By keeping your personal accounts private and your professional accounts public, these platforms allow you to easily separate your personal from your professional life (it’s not too tough to set up and manage personal and professional Twitter and Facebook accounts).
Unlike Instagram, Pinterest or some others, you don’t need to be a photo editing whiz to publish or share content.
- Identify Content
While you can always author articles or create posts containing your thoughts, you can contribute to building your online brand by sharing articles of interest. Sources of inspiration can come from online publications, industry trade journals and LinkedIn Pulse.
Bottom line? Anything you come across and find interesting is perfect for sharing — as long as it aligns with your industry and/or career aspirations.
- Share
Sharing can be a matter of liking on LinkedIn or retweeting on Twitter. I advise clients to include a bit of commentary on an article intro before sharing, as this offers connections your take on things.
- Create A Posting Schedule
Try to post regularly, as this will ensure you remain in the feeds of your connections. As a rule of thumb, once a day is a great place to start.
Free tools like Buffer and Hootsuite can save you time by allowing you to schedule messages ahead of time, across multiple platforms.
- Engage
Show you understand whatever you are sharing by engaging in discussions and with online groups. LinkedIn is a perfect place to start as there are literally thousands of groups dealing with specific roles, industry niches and even geographical domains.
Looking for discussions on Twitter? Search by hashtags and share your thoughts.
- It’s Okay To Brag A Bit
Win an award? Land a huge sale? It’s okay to brag a bit — as long as you are balancing it with industry and job insight.
Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day
It can take months to build your brand. If you’re targeting a career change, the brand you’re building will confirm your professional identity for job seekers.
If you’re happily employed, your brand might help you attract new business and forge stronger relationships with your peers, vendors, etc. If you’re actively looking or planning to look shortly, having an online brand will allow decision makers to get a sense of who you are beyond what is included in your resume.
Why not start now?
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