— October 15, 2018
4 Entrepreneur Tools for Communication and Customer Relationships
Today I have some entrepreneur tools to help them improve their customer relationships. Here’s four links with tips and tricks to kick start your Monday.
Running a small business requires the wearing of many hats, especially for solo entrepreneurs. By using the right resources you can greatly improve your efficiency and sales reach. There are several ways to make better connections by taking advantage of these great tools. Let me know how these work for you!
1) A professional business number – Google Voice
One way to create balance and manage your time is to have a dedicated business telephone number. You can easily do this by creating a Google Voice number. Signup is quick and simple, and even includes voice messages. Just connect your land line or cell phone number and you are ready to go.
2) Low cost website hosting – 1and1
Need a URL and an affordable host for your website? Then why not try 1and1? This is a low-cost, yet quality service that is perfect especially for startups. The cost to signup is minimal for domains and hosting and includes applications such as WordPress, Joomla!, and more.
3) Personal radio show – Speaker
Podcasts and webinars are a great way to connect with your audience and build your brand. But you will want to get your message out to as many listeners as possible. That is where Speaker comes in, which is a tool that allows you to create and air your own radio show. The great part is that it is directly broadcasted on the popular iHeart Radio network.
4) Connect with your team and customers – Free Conference Call
Do you want to hold a conference all from one place? Then Free Conference Call is the tool for your business. With this free service you can host a one-on-one conversation or invite a group, all from your office at the click of a button. The app is available for download on both tablets and smart phones.
Hopefully you will find these tools for entrepreneurs useful to your sales and growth. Are there any that you would like to add as well?
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