Include Content to Maximize Video Marketing Success

April 7, 2015

Just as you originally branched out to the web by creating a website, in hopes of attracting online business, you should also branch out in regard to the type of content you provide to your visitors.

For instance, written content is helpful, especially for the search engines, but videos can do a better job of describing certain pieces of information or selling your products or services.

When you invest in video marketing, you also want to prioritize content marketing simultaneously.

Play by Google’s Rules

Some people might think that video marketing means they no longer have to write content, but if you are interested in ranking well in Google search and other search engines that follow a similar algorithm, producing written content is simply not going to go away.

Fortunately, you do not have to actually write new content, you can simply transcribe your videos into text, and then post them on your website with the video included.

Summarize Key Points

A complete transcript is ideal as this will take advantage of your video marketing efforts to maximize the content on an individual page, but it also helpful to take note of key points throughout your videos.

Highlighting these points with formatting, bold text, or italic text can help your visitors skim through the content to find out what they are looking for, or to find a certain part of the video to watch.

Give a Home to Your Videos on Your Website

While YouTube will give you a reliable place to upload your videos, you should also help your video find a home on your website as this is how you will increase the authority of your website.

Getting started with video marketing can be quite challenging for an inexperienced individual, so feel free to contact a qualified professional with any questions you may have about this type of marketing.

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