Conversion Rate: The percentage of visitors who take the desired action. (Source)
In order to measure the conversion rate of your blog posts, your readers must take action. Each post must include a Call to Action that invites, encourages, or motivates your reader to take the next step with your business. Therefore, before you create any content, decide what you want that content to accomplish.
Ask yourself, what is my goal for publishing this post? When you clearly know what you want your reader to do, then you can create a post that not only motivates them to take action but tells them exactly what they need to do. Create a call to action that supports your goal. For example, if you want people to sign up for your email list, your call to action will invite them to sign up for that list. If you want them to make a purchase, the call to action will motivate them to buy.
You will have better conversion results if you focus on the benefits and the value rather than the action. What wording or phrase works best? Test and track your results. Some audiences respond to “Sign up,” while others might have a better response to “Download now.” Take a look at what you’ve tried in the past and how that has worked for you. Split test.
Where you put your call to action is important. As you create your content consider the following:
Embedded links –When using an embedded link as your call to action, consider including keywords in the text of the link. Make sure that the link stands out enough so that the reader’s attention is grabbed. You might use bold lettering, underline, different colored text, or even a larger font.
Buttons – Buttons work well when your call to action is short and simple. For example, “Download Now” fits nicely on a button within the body of your text. They’re easy to see and grab the attention of your reader.
Above the fold – There’s a general rule of thumb that your call to action should be above the fold. This means that your reader will be able to see the call to action without scrolling down the page. However, with so many different devices, it can be difficult to know just where that fold is. When you write longer content, position a call to action within the top third of the content, but only if it makes sense and is relevant to the content. If you’re writing a book or a long report, you can include a call to action in the first or second chapter.
The bottom line with your call to action is to make sure that you include one in all of your content and to test and track the results. You’ll learn what your audience responds to and you can increasingly improve your conversion results.
Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community(68)