Which is the 2nd most popular search engine after Google? Make a wild guess. Well, contrary to what you believe, it is not Yahoo or Bing rather it is YouTube. Yes YouTube manages to drive at least a billion unique visitor every month and that means, it has unlimited scope for marketers to market their products. But just creating an official YouTube channel for your brand is not the end of the task rather it is just the beginning. There are several factors that you need to take into consideration before you start promoting your official YouTube account. Now, if you are clueless about how to start prompting YouTube channel, you need to check out the following tactics –
YouTube is all About Videos
YouTube is all about videos. People will subscribe to your YouTube channel only if they find some really interesting and insightful videos. You simply can’t expect people to voluntarily subscribe to the channel even if it does not have many video. So, the first stage of YouTube marketing should start with developing some really awesome videos. Make them short, interesting and informative. Buy a HD camera to create quality videos. Use latest technology to spruce up the look and feel. If you are not an expert, you should be hiring a professional. In short, you need to do everything possible in your hand to produce quality videos and then uploading them to your YouTube channel.
Use the Description Option
Forget about SEO while writing a description for your YouTube videos. You need to make sure that you are describing the video in simple English. You should be using keywords as well in the description section as this will help you to educate the audience what the video is all about.
Use Annotations
Annotation is a useful feature that allows you to add some notes on your videos. Most people use annotations to encourage people to click on certain links or to get subscribed to their channels. You can also use it in the same fashion. However, if you can also go creative with annotation by adding clickable annotation with links to product landing pages. You might help people find other similar and interesting videos by adding annotations. You will also be able to control how these annotations will appear and disappear.
Promote the Videos
Just creating high quality video is not going to help drive more traffic to your YouTube account; you need to do more than that. You need to make sure that the videos are getting visible to large number of people.
You need to start by doing some keywords research. Just uploading some random videos on some random subject might not help you popularize the official YouTube account. You need to get some clues as to what people are looking for. This is exactly where keywords research can come to your rescue. Do some market research to get an idea what people are searching for and then come up with something interesting.
In the next stage, you need to provide a transcript of the video because believe it or not, people do face internet connectivity issues and during those difficult moments, transcription is going to save their lives, figuratively of course.
Do some promotion on external websites as well. You might consider sharing the video links in sites like StumbleUpon, Delicious etc as they tend to drive huge amount of traffic.
You also need to promote the videos on other social networking channels like – Facebook, twitter, pinterest etc. Ask your friends and followers to share the videos to gain more traction.
Don’t forget to share the video on your web blog. Embed it on the blog post to make the post appear more appealing and interesting.
Invest some money in Design
You should invest some time and money to create a distinct look and feel for your website. Since every Tom, Dick and Harry is uploading videos on YouTube, you need to give your YouTube channel a distinctive flavor. Maybe you should be featuring logo of your company on the bottom left section of the video.
Make Use of Featured Channels
Going solo on YouTube is not going to help you at all. You need to team up with other content creators on YouTube. Go to your YouTube channel page and then click on the Modules > Other Channels and then save it. This will enable the other feature on your official YouTube Channel page. Then you need to add some channels in it and save it.
Make sure that the content creators that you have chosen are related to your niche. You might be wondering how this actually works. Well, you can hope that some people will follow your suit and this will help you drive some traffic to your channel. This is how some of the most popular Youtube channels manage to drive traffic and increase follower base at the initial stage of their journey.