Your email marketing must come with a big bang; it must click, it must resound, and most importantly, it must get to your subscribers. Email marketing is still the surest way to ensure that you are relevant in the marketing landscape, but you can’t go about bombarding your subscribers with emails without IP warming.
If your email doesn’t have a big bang, you have wasted resources and should look for alternative ways of communicating with your customers.
Unfortunately, you can’t afford to do so because email marketing is your best and most cost-effective way of retaining customers and even acquiring new ones. If your email marketing does not come with a big bang, does not click with your customers, or does not resound, you are not doing it rightly.
However, DMA reports that notwithstanding the industry, for every $ 1 you spend on email marketing, you will recoup $ 40 on average, and McKinsey reveals that email is 40 times a more significant and effective way to acquire customers than social media such as Facebook or Twitter.
Where will you be, and what will your brand be doing when the number of worldwide email users hits the 376.4 billion mark in 2025?
The question is: How do you go about email marketing campaigns to ensure you get a big bang?
1. Ensure personalization in your emails
Personalization is all about getting into the head and heart of your customer. And before you can do that, you need to thoroughly know your customer.
Nobody is interested in blast emails any longer; if you can’t send emails to your customers indicating that you know them thoroughly, you must forget the idea. The world has become a global village; technology has made it possible for you to access your customers’ data from different sources.
Blast or a one-size-fits-all email does not work out for customers anymore. When you personalize your email marketing campaigns around the subscribers’ identities, it goes a long way to show that you know them and proves exceedingly beneficial to the brand.
Personalizing campaigns is very effective in driving email revenue and generates as much as 122% ROI. One very effective way you can embark on personalization is by using segmentation.
Knowing fully well that your customers come from different backgrounds, you must understand that their tastes, pain points, preferences, and interests must vary also.
You can only succeed in shooting yourself in the foot if you think a one-size-fits-all email will work for you.
Your best bet for emailing your customers to get a big bang is to create different customer segments taking into consideration their demographics, locations, psychographics, and interests. If you can do this, you will end up sending more relevant and targeted offers and recommendations to both old and potential customers.
According to a study by Econsultancy, the top priority for over 1000 marketing, digital, and e-commerce professionals is customer segmentation. The study reveals that 72% of these professionals said they are using customer data to create segments, and that segmentation comes as the top priority for even businesses that are yet to hit the mark.
Customers ally with brands that do the necessary underground work to understand their feelings, and by knowing their needs, you can send them recommendations that focus on their interests. This is an indication to them that you care.
A study reveals that 59% of consumers say that personalization significantly impacts their purchases. There is, therefore, no reason for you to sideline segmentation, you can easily access the data you need to segment your subscribers and place them into different groups based on common traits to enhance a better response.
By segmenting your email campaigns, you can increase open rates by 26% and also have a 760% boost in your ROI. You can proceed by grouping your customers by their purchase histories, locations, genders, ages, or even job titles.
This will enable you to come up with more relevant messages. You must not make the mistake to rush out now and start bombarding your subscribers with emails; your internet service provider (ISP) will definitely frown at that.
So, what do you need to do?
IP warming
There is always the temptation to start bombarding subscribers with emails, especially when you have discovered that you stand to gain a lot from email marketing campaigns. This can backfire if you do not embark on IP warming first.
Before you can start sending emails in volumes, you need to create a good reputation with your ISP, and the only way you can do this is to warm up your IP. To warm up your IP and gain recognition from your ISP, you need to send emails in small volumes and gradually increase the volume according to a set schedule either daily or weekly.
The essence is to ensure that you can create an unquestionable identity, gain the trust of your ISP, and enhance your chances of deliverability. Even where you have all the data you need, segment your customers, and create personalized messages, without getting your emails into your subscribers’ inboxes, you are still drifting.
You don’t want your ISP to see you as a spammer, you should, therefore, create a reputable email sending pattern for your IP; once you have gained the necessary reputation, you can start sending your emails in volumes.
There are a lot of ways businesses go about onboarding and retaining customers, however, email marketing remains the cheapest and the most effective. While this is so, you need to embark on email marketing campaigns with the view to enhance your relevance in the market, and this can only be successful if you realize the need for IP warming, notwithstanding the size of your business.
Image by Kate Stejskal from Pixabay
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