It seems that every time I open my Facebook News Feed I get the same ad for a local realtor. Her ads are nothing but her picture with text that says, “If you are ready to buy or sell, contact me.” The ad does not specify that she is a Realtor. (If I didn’t know her I might now know what she is selling.)
A Millennial blogger recently published an open letter to real estate agents and states:
“Finding a real estate agent I can trust is difficult. And no, seeing your face on a billboard or a bus bench isn’t going to help.” (REthink)
Using a headshot with a generic message is no longer enough for any homebuyer today, and this is especially true for Millennials.
Think Millennials are Not Your Target Customers?
Millennials are now in their 20’s and 30’s. There are 80 million Millennials in the United States. They have surpassed Baby Boomers in the workforce. They have an annual buying power of $ 200 billion. They are also the first truly digital generation. Many cannot remember a world without the Internet or cell phones. They are true believers in “inbound marketing.” They tend to ignore outbound marketing tactics. Attracting these people will take some pretty compelling content – even to get them to click on a small Facebook ad.
Marketing is no longer about shooting out standard company messages. Consumers today want to see ads that are customer-focused. They want to see what you are selling, not what you look like. They want to be convinced that your ad promises them a great experience. In fact, once they believe that what you are showing them is worthwhile, they will share their experiences and actually help do the marketing for you.
Once they click on your ad, send them to a landing page where you can expand on who you are and what sets you apart from your competition. Show your photos there, share some personal details, and allow them to get to know you – let them know how you can help them.
We Live in a Social World
In today’s “social” world, consumers want companies that focus on them – their needs, their wants. Marketing is more consumer-driven than it has ever been before.
A recent AdAge column puts it like this: “Connecting with millennial is not rocket science. They want to express themselves, be heard, and learn from others. Marketers that make it easy for young consumers to interact with their brands, each other, and the wider web community will be the first in line to capture some of the millennials’ $ 10 trillion in spending. And if you make interacting with your brand fun and authentic, millennials will reward you with continued purchases all throughout their life.” (AdAge)
So get out there and connect with this new group of customers on their terms and your business will succeed.
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