Twitter is a great place to be for your personal brand to build a strong network and following on social media. If you want to have more insight into your target market with increased leads consider taking advantage of Twitter Advanced Search, which offers even more features that tap into trends and audiences.
How can you make your branding strategy more powerful? By looking into the precise insights that this network has to offer, and focusing on the right ones for more success.
The advanced option of Twitter search is great for making new connections and engaging with your community. Once your personal brand has discovered more about your niche, it provides a way to share better content that meets the needs of your audience. Let’s take a look at how this method can help your brand grow.
How to make the most of Twitter Advanced Search
Here are some key steps to focus on when conducting an advanced search:
• Get in on the conversation – Your customers and leads are talking about your brand and others on Twitter. Your brand can view these conversations in advanced search either to a username or from with results that show the mentions of a company or topic. Use these as an opportunity to answer questions and provide helpful information, which will build your network. Conversations also provide insights into how others are perceiving your brand as well as what their pain points are.
• Use quotes to narrow your search – If your brand is looking for a specific keyword, phrase, or hashtag try using quotes around these terms for specific results. You can narrow these down by language and region as well.
• Focus on influencers in your niche – Twitter Advanced Search can provide information on what your competition is sharing and communicating. A username search is effective for this, and will also give your brand ideas on how to write the most effective content for your market.
As your personal brand conducts research on Twitter with these methods drill down even further with all of the features offered. The information will reveal the areas to improve upon and enable your company to focus on the right followers and influencers that will increase your leads and sales.
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