Over the past several years, social media has become one of the primary distribution channels within an online newsroom. In addition to using email alerts, organizations have started leveraging tools such as RSS feeds, blogs, social sharing and embedded social widgets to help extend their brand and message out beyond traditional media. At the same time, this allows for quick and easy sharing.
Lenovo is one example of a company that has fully integrated social media into their online newsroom. From incorporating their channels into their overall design to integrating blogs and RSS feeds to creating a “social wall” that highlights Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube posts in real-time.
One way to ensure that your online newsroom is focused on social is to incorporate direct links and icons to all of your well-maintained channels. By including these icons in your main site template, they will be available and visible on every page within your online newsroom. Lenovo includes Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube.
A second way that companies are incorporating social media in their online newsrooms is with content. Sprint’s online newsroom is a best in class example of integrating various blogs directly into their site. This helps to provide fresh, relevant content from outside trusted sources and gives news consumers visiting your site a reason to come back. Categorized RSS feeds are also another way to allow your news content to be quickly and automatically shared across social media. Many people fill their Twitter or blog channels with custom RSS feeds.
For more information on social media and online newsrooms, download the Social Media News Survey Report.
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