The death of wrong link building tactics has been on a great rise. Every time a link building strategy goes wrong it is your business that has to suffer. The Internet is flooded with vast information on link building. This makes it hard for companies to know what type of link is needed to be built. However, not many have been told that there are some great ways through which you can easily build links. Before you jump to knowing the ways, you should have the basics cleared.
How does low-quality links harm my site?
You will find the answer in Google Penalties. There are around two major ways you can be easily penalized by the famous search engine Google if you have low-quality links:
Manual link spam Penalty – As the name suggests this type of penalty is applies by the Google’s webspam team. It is done only after the reviewing of the link. You get a notification in Google search console whenever you have a manual penalty.
Algorithmic link spam penalty – This type of penalty is automatically applied by Google based on your profile. It is mostly sparked off by the filter of Google Penguin.
There is no need for you to get a notification if you are hit by an algorithmic penalty as you can pretty obviously know when the organic traffic slashes down! In order to avoid these penalties, you can avoid the link building strategies in the year 2015.
1. Spam comment
This link building strategy has been doing a round for a long time now. However, in order to use the comment spam you are required to use the software like scrapebox. If you have a WordPress blog you are sure to have spam comments. It completely relies on the comments that are posted without doing any moderation.
2. Spun Content links
Spinning an article is quite an old and favourite tactic of black hat. In this, you are required to just write one article, make use of the software to spin into a number of article ten, maybe even hundreds. Though it may sound great, the content you get is nothing but gibberish! This is one tactic you need to avoid if you want to taste success.
3. Paid links
Paid links are not something Google deters, but you need to surely avoid red flags such as following the anchor text links, following sites and content that is unrelated, and following links from sponsored posts.
4. Forum spam
In order to avoid a Google Penalty, you are advised to avoid forum spam. Though it is a part of a white hat link building strategy, avoiding it will prove beneficial.
5. Low-quality directory Submission
Very few SEO professionals know about submitting content to directory does not yield any results. It will only lead to your site being penalized. However, there are some directories that are worth a submission.
6. Neighborhood bad links
It is a complete NO nod to build links on the hacked sites. Apart from this also avoid links from content or link farm sites. This not leads to be penalized, but know that it is against the law and you are breaking it!
7. Guest posting
Guest posting, in no doubt, is a great way to get a lot of audiences and even build quality based links. However, you stand to earn these benefits, only if you do it correctly. Also, you are likely to be penalised if you are going in only for quantity and not quality.
8. Overseas sites links
If you do business in UK it is obvious for Google to expect you to get links only from UK sites. However, getting low quality of links from foreign language sites like .cn and .ru need to be highly avoided.
9. Reciprocal link building
There is no harm if you do reciprocal link building naturally. It is a great way actually to talk about other sites and to return the favour they talk about you. However, you know you are in trouble when you ask a number of sites to exchange the links.
10. Private Blog Networks (PBNs)
Not many would agree, but using Private Blog Networks (PBNs) is a complete NO! Last year Google had targeted against PBNs which led to losing ranking instantly. It paves a clear way that Google is on the hunt to penalize and shut down PBNs.
These are some of the 10 tactics you need to strictly avoid as far as link building is concerned. Start your link building without adding these tactics!
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