Look for These 7 User-Friendly Features in Asset Management Software [Infographic]

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April 25, 2016

Don’t let a bad experience with the wrong program prevent your business from tracking its assets. Get the user-friendly features and reliability you need in good asset management software.

Asset management practices and tools have evolved as technology has evolved.

Years ago, people had only Excel or some other spreadsheet to track their assets, but the information was always outdated and ran a pretty high risk of data entry, formula and sorting errors. Accounting software tried filling the void, but that too was plagued by old data and errors. When barcodes, scanners and asset management software hit the scene, it became much easier for organizations to track, maintain and collect real-time data on the materials they owned – with unbeatable accuracy and user-friendliness.

Today, there are dozens of asset tracking software offerings out there, and for the most part, they offer the same basic features and reporting options. That can make it difficult to know which one is best for YOUR business. However, all asset management software offerings are not created equal, especially when it comes to user-friendliness. While bells and whistles and high tech accolades are nice, they don’t do a bit of good if the software is hard to use.

“Software developers invest thousands of hours into the user experience design and testing,” said asset management expert, Brad Vinson. “If the user doesn’t easily understand how it all works, he’s not going to use it.”

Don’t let a bad experience with the wrong program prevent your business from tracking its assets. Without good asset management software, you’re missing out on valuable information you need to keep their operations going.

“Businesses NEED analytics; you’ve got to have good data in order to make good business decisions. Opinions, hunches and gut feelings don’t cut it anymore,” said Vinson.

“The analytics available through asset management software helps businesses make good decisions that save valuable time and money. For example, you can see how assets are being used, track their uptime and downtime, predict when items need to be replaced and more. This prevents you from wasting money over-purchasing items you don’t need.”

You can make a good decision about asset management software by looking for offerings that have the following user-friendly features:

Asset Management Infographic Thumbnail

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