Meet Whitney Taylor – Loving Mom, Painter, and Pinterest Influencer!

Hi, Welcome

March 9, 2015

Meet HelloSociety Pinterest Influencer Whitney Taylor from West Fargo, North Dakota! She’s a mom of three and is passionate about painting. Whitney met her husband 10 years ago in college, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in studio arts with an emphasis in painting. The two have lived in Utah, Colorado, and now North Dakota together. “We will eventually move again and again, because we like living in new places and meeting new people. We love not knowing where we will be next or what will take us there.”

When Whitney isn’t on Pinterest, she can be found raising her three kids, painting, or painting with her kids. Last year my five year old and I started doing a collaborative series of paintings together. Children have such a natural intuition with art that I find very inspiring.” Whitney also loves being outdoors, when the weather allows. Her passion for family, art, photography, design and decor has earned her over 355k Pinterest followers!

When did you start using Pinterest and what inspired you to make an account?

I was the first of my family and friends to have a Pinterest account, back when it was a new thing. I mainly started so I could bookmark art that I found inspirational.

Why do you like Pinterest?

I love being able to bookmark things that inspire me and having that online scrapbook to turn to whenever I’m in a creative rut. I love the ideas and creativity that come from Pinterest. It’s such an awesome way to be inspired and to inspire. I also really enjoy curating. It’s enjoyable to sort through inspiration found on the web.

You have gained over 355k Pinterest followers! That’s so cool! What makes your Pinterest unique?

I am obviously drawn to my Pinterest account because it’s such a representation of me and my artistic side. I feel my Pinterest is unique because there’s a good mix of artistic boards as well as everyday boards. Seeing fashion and furniture intertwined with art, leaves both categories complimented.

Are you from West Fargo, North Dakota originally? What do you like about it there?

I was born and raised in Utah. I have actually never lived or been to the Midwest until about a year ago when a job brought us out this way. I was fairly uneducated about the Midwest and had no idea how harsh a North Dakota winter could be. We had no idea a year ago we were moving to the coldest state in the country. The winters are so insanely cold here but the people are so warm and friendly. I’ve never had friendlier cashiers checking me out at Target.

What are your favorite places you’ve traveled to? When did you go?

I lived in Ukraine back in 2007 for five months and traveled a bit around Europe. I’d have to say Kraków, Poland was my favorite stop. I also loved living in Kiev, such a beautiful city. I’m quite saddened by the recent issues over there. I’m a lover of NYC and recently ventured up to Vancouver BC, which is one of the most beautiful cities. Also, I want to do a shoutout to the Twin Cities. St. Paul and Minneapolis are amazing, such hidden gems! I highly suggest everyone paying them a visit.

What are your favorite Pinterest boards to pin onto and why?

I personally love my Art Fart board and Ode to Illustration the most, only because those boards are truly the ones I utilize the most when it comes to making and creating my own art. I also love It’s My Party because who isn’t instantly happy dreaming up the perfect party?!

Your Lovelies board is stunning! We also love your Dearest Design board. Tell us more about these boards and why you made them!

My “Lovelies” board just happened. I used to come across beautiful imagery that didn’t fit into any of my boards so I created one for all the eye candy. Pretty things are always good.

My “Dearest Design” board shows my passion for design. I’ve never been a designer per se, but I’ve always appreciated and loved good design. I’m the kind of person who will pay more for a product that’s packaged beautifully. I appreciate the creative thought.

What is your Pinterest style & aesthetic?

I appreciate creativity and fresh ideas whether that be in painting, furniture, photography, interior design, or architecture. I think this has affected my style and aesthetic.

We noticed on your Instagram you’re participating in #TheClickProject. Tell us more about this!

#TheClickProject was a hashtag started by my Instagram friend Gray (@graybenko). It’s a tag to motivate us to use our “big girl camera,” aka: DSLR. I was taking 100% of my photos on Instagram with my phone, and although that’s an awesome challenge and I’ve become skilled at iPhoneography because of it, my images aren’t the best quality. It’s a shame when I have a super nice camera collecting dust. Lately I’ve really made an effort to use my nice camera.

Tell us more about your passions and interests!

My greatest love next to my family and faith is my love of art, which includes photography. I try to document my life on an almost regular basis with photography. It’s my instant creative gratification. I have really become part of a community on Instagram. A few friends and I created a forum entitled Subject Light (@subject_light) where we feature images submitted to the #subject_light hashtag. I really enjoy selecting imagery to showcase. Subject_Light, the first light inspired forum on Instagram to my knowledge, has gained 11k + followers and grows on a regular basis.

What are your plans and hopes for the future?

I will soon launch a website with my art. My plan for the future is to continue developing my skills as an artist and to one day get my MFA. In between crazy times of raising kids I try to find a creative outlet on a regular basis. My husband and I and plan to move our kids around a bit longer until we decide to finally settle down.

Although creating is my passion, my biggest joy comes from my family. My husband is my best friend and we make the best team. Although having three kids can be crazy at times, the fulfillment and happiness I’ve received far surpasses the difficulties. These are the two best decisions I’ve made in my life.

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