Microsoft Advertising Makes Changes To How Broad-Match Modifier Keywords Serve

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Microsoft Advertising Makes Changes To How Broad-Match Modifier Keywords Serve

by , Staff Writer @lauriesullivan, March 15, 2023

Microsoft Advertising will change the way broad match modifier (BMM) keywords are served for search ads, starting today.

The company has been working to improve the algorithmic performance of broad match. BMM keywords previously served as phrase match, but now will begin to serve as broad match. The change will roll out gradually.

Advertisers that have tested this new system have reported seeing an improvement in conversion volume while maintaining the cost per acquisition (CPA).

Broad match is the default keyword match type that makes the ad eligible to serve up when someone queries words related to a chosen keyword. This can include searches that do not contain the keyword terms.

Broad match will also match synonyms and other similar keywords, including those with spelling errors.

Not all keyword variations will lead to ad clicks, so Microsoft Advertising will automatically stop serving the ads for those specific keyword variations.

Some examples of BMM include Hawaii hotels for ads that might include Hawaii rentals, Honolulu Hawaii hotels, and Hawaii Maui hotels. With the example of purple high heels, ads might serve up that are related to women’s high heels purple, lavender stilettos or heels on sale.

Self-serve ad platforms from engines such as Google and Microsoft have become critical marketing and advertising tools.

In the last two years, small and medium-sized businesses (SMB) that advertise estimate their businesses have grown 39% because of digital advertising, according to Connected Commerce Council.

Some 78% of SMB advertisers agree that digital ads contribute more revenue to their business than traditional offline ads, and 82% say digital ads allow them to more efficiently reach their target customers than traditional offline ads.

The report, released this week, also shows that 30% earn revenue attributable to digital ads of more than $650,000 a year, while 57% overall earn more than $50,000 a year attributable to digital ads.

In addition, 80% of SMB advertisers agree that digital ads help their company compete with much larger competitors.

Microsoft Advertising will change the way broad-match modifier (BMM) keywords are served for search ads, starting today.



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