Monday Tips: Grow Your Twitter Following With These 4 Tools

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February 8, 2016
Twitter Tools that Will Grow Your Network

Grow Your Twitter Following With These 4 ToolsMonday Tips is a short list of the best finds across the internet to start your week off right.

Today I have some resources to help you improve your marketing strategy on Twitter. Here’s four links with tips and tricks to kick start your Monday.

Keeping up with social media is important to build a loyal following, and in order to be effective you need to have the right tools to help make this happen. Daily activity and a steady flow of content will increase your reach and build a great community for your brand. Would you like to harness your Twitter marketing? Use these four newer tools, and let me know how these work for you!

1) Your own live-blog team – BeatStrap

Post a live feed of an event right on your blog from Twitter. BeatStrap is a tool that allows for a specific hashtag to be used to aggregate certain events that can be updated in real time. Tweet your content in your Beat from sources like Instagram, Vine, and YouTube or showcase your own event. Add targeted users whom you want to get involved, hashtag included.


2) Discover your favorite content – Nuzzel

Finding the right topics to share on Twitter can take time and research. Nuzzel helps brands and businesses quickly find the latest trending tweets in your target market to share. Login for free, and start sharing right away. This is a great way to quickly find what your competitors are tweeting and posting on both Twitter and Facebook.


3) Geo targeted analytics – TweepsMap

Would you like to know exactly where your followers are coming from around the world? TweepsMap will not only show you where your audience is active on Twitter, but will also maximize your reach with scheduling in the form of a powerful analytics tool. Save time and get more involved with your audience with this great resource.


4) Group management of your Twitter account – GroupTweet

Allow your team to collaborate and management your brand’s profile. GroupTweet, which allows you to choose any number of contributors, works with any Twitter app. This eliminates the need to share your password, and can be set up either public or private.


Hopefully you will find these Twitter management tools useful to your business marketing strategy. Are there any that you would like to add as well?

Have fun with these Monday Tips and Tools.

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community


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