For at least a couple years now, many brands have been asking the same question:
Should we give up on Twitter?
And, in some instances, the answer has been “yes.” Engagement numbers have plummeted on Twitter over the years for brands. Especially retweets and replies. While a good chunk of brands still use Twitter as a customer service tool, some are starting to move away from Twitter and not devote the resources platforms like Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn are receiving.
But, some brands are seeing success on Twitter. And it’s not just the Wendy’s, Steak-Umm and Chipotle’s of the world.
It’s brands that have figured out one of the big keys to success on Twitter: Talk directly to your biggest fans and just have fun with them.
Don’t try to sell them.
Don’t try to get them to click through to a blog post.
Don’t try to get them to sign up for a webinar.
Instead, these brands develop higher-level brand content designed solely to get fans hitting the love button.
Because, I believe that’s what Twitter has been boiled down to for most brands: Engaging super-fans to hit the love button.
That’s it. No replies (that’s customer service). No retweets.
You’re just after that brand love.
What does it look like in real life?
Let’s peek at IBM for a moment.
Choose your fighter.
— IBM (@IBM) August 24, 2021
If you weren’t an IBM’er or a huge computer geek, would you even know what this is? IMB is talking directly to their biggest fans here. And notice the copy. Yes, it’s kind of asking a question, but it’s really more of a statement. They’re after the “love.” And, you can see the results.
Or, what about this tweet?
The Art The Artist
— IBM (@IBM) August 16, 2021
Same thing–note the copy. And again, note the results. It’s all about that brand love.
What about a more conservative brand–like John Deere? You certainly wouldn’t equate a brand like Deere with one who would be seeing success on a platform like Twitter. But, here they are, implementing the exact same approach I’m talking about.
This is the life : Yadhir C
— John Deere (@JohnDeere) September 5, 2021
This is a common strategy by Deere. Pair a user-generated visual with a brand quip like this designed to inspire pride among super fans. And, it almost always works. Again, note the like to reply/retweet ratio.
Or, what about this one? Brilliant way to generate content for trade show support, by the way. Compare this to the usual tweet you see from brands asking you to “visit their booth”–see the difference? Again, you’re not trying to drive a big action on Twitter (like visiting a web page or signing up for an event)–you’re just trying to get that brand love.
Granddaddy on duty for @FPShow
— John Deere (@JohnDeere) August 31, 2021
One more–let’s look at Microsoft. Yes, I know they’re a Fortune 50 company, but there are plenty of huge companies who aren’t using Twitter the right way–let’s look at one that does!
You: *joins meeting 2 minutes late*
Microsoft Teams: “There are 13 people here already, so we muted your mic. You’re welcome.”
— Microsoft (@Microsoft) September 1, 2021
Microsoft will throw these text-only conversation tweets in from time to time. And, as I’ve noted, they’re aimed directly at their biggest customers. In this case, it’s aimed at a lot of us who have been using Teams extensively for the last 18 months. But, if you are a Teams power user, you get the joke. And, as a result, you probably gave it a like. Exactly what Microsoft was after.
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