We know that getting back into the swing of things after the Christmas holiday can often be slow and painful process.
If like most of us you’re lacking the stimulation and impetus you require to grab 2015 by the horns, then fear not… As we like to do at this time of year, we’ve hand picked some of the best ‘Motivational Videos’ out there, helping you to feel inspired, energised and amped-up, ready to kick off your new year with drive and vigour!
Sit back, hit play (and skip the ads…), soak up the schmaltz, and let the inspiration fire up your engines!
We kick off with Google’s very own montage of the moments we searched for in 2014. Some brilliant images from the last 12 months, reminding us that it wasn’t all bad news!
For those among us requiring a business pep talk, look no further. This video pays homage to the greatest leaders of our generation and dishes out nuggets from some of the most memorable speeches and interviews you’ll ever hear – conveniently packaged into 15 minutes of pure motivational gold!
Motivational words from the world’s global business leaders
How’s about this for a holiday album; 17 Countries. 343 Days. 6237 Photographs… all delivered in beautiful timelapse in less than 5 minutes! If this doesn’t inspire you to book your next holiday, nothing will…
Time Is Nothing – Around the world in 343 Days
No ‘Motivational Video’ collection would be complete without including a montage of some of the craziest moments captured on film over the last 12 months (allegedly). ‘People are Awesome’ celebrates the fearless and the brave, the weird and wonderful, the strange and stupid (guy hanging from a crane) … and the downright peculiar. If you find yourself with a spare 15 minutes today and nothing to fill it with, then immerse yourself in a world of wonderment.
Finally, if you like your inspiration packaged with Hollywood movie glamour, then this offering is sure to please. After all, there’s nothing quite like a slow motion montage to stoke the embers and make you reach for your To-Do list.
Motivational words from the movies
Hope you’ve enjoyed our selection… Have a great 2015!
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