Needles, Haystacks, and a Big Fat Magnet: How You Can Capitalize on Social Media Insights in 2016

January 11, 2016
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Photo via Flickr

The emergence of Big Data has provided some very powerful mechanisms for businesses to effectively compete while being able to keep their fingers on the pulse of their target audience. One way in which data has exploded in the area of effectiveness and stability is the use of social media platforms. Social media provides the perfect opportunity for customer engagement and data creation and procurement. As the demand for speed and responsiveness increases, it is becoming increasingly difficult to convince online consumers to complete sign up forms and registrations, but fortunately, social media has provided an immediate an ongoing solution to this dilemma.

In the rapid response market that has been created through the technological revolution, users who are forced to fill out forms tend to disassociate from web-based services and traditional websites, making it difficult for businesses to maintain the engagement that is so integral to developing long-term relationships with their customer base. Social logins allow businesses to gather a great deal of data without being overly intrusive in the manner which they deal with their customers.

Natural and Organic Engagement

Social media is an engagement platform — a place where people expect to be engaged — being prepared to respond to engagement in a rapid fashion. The ability for businesses to engage their target audience has led to the migration of businesses to a number of social media sites, who continue to make it easy for businesses to operate on their platform. One way that this new element of engagement has improved the online encounter for users visiting websites is that it allows visitors to log into the site using their social media account. This means that users can choose to log in using their Facebook, Twitter or Instagram account, by clicking one button. Now there is no need to complete an entire registration form.

In addition to streamlining registration requirements, social media platforms also provide the opportunity for businesses to collect and organize data that helps them understand the consumer, including learning their buying behaviors and triggers. The campaigns that businesses create on social media sites have the ability to help them develop highly specific campaigns that can target groups with unbelievable specificity, subsequently leading to higher conversion rates and a quality experience for the user.

High Quality Social Media Data Facilitate Better Decisions

The high quality data that is created, compiled and organized through social media platforms provide the information that is needed to ensure that companies are able to make highly educated decisions in the area of repackaging and redesigning products, marketing strategies and future research and development.

The insights that are developed through social media data have the capacity to help businesses gain a competitive edge in generating online revenue. With the advancements in technology, companies are able to create a more personalized experience for their target audience based on the data that Is collected online

When businesses use certain digital marketing tools to help them manage all of the data that is collected on social media, they place themselves in a position to effectively engage their customer base, but they also are able to sustain their competitiveness, which is an increasing concern for businesses as competitiveness in the business world continues to reach new heights.

Digital marketing dashboards are essential for businesses to be able to manage and process all of the data they collect. The great thing about social media is that it has served to educate the consumer, and this has made consumers more receptive to direct engagement by companies, understanding that this type of engagement will help to improve the overall customer experience — making it more personal and pleasurable. In fact, customers have come to expect a certain level of personalized experiences when they encounter businesses online.

Since 2013, there has been a consistent rise in the number of companies that are actively involved in measuring the online user experience. One way that businesses can remain competitive as far as protecting their share of the market, while fighting to improve their position in the market, is to develop long-term relationships with the consumer. The way that this is done is through building trust, which leads to customer loyalty. The personalized experience that companies are able create and duplicate on social media makes it easier to build trust-based relationships.

In today’s high-paced and competitive scenario, the availability of highly personalized and detailed information about the customer and their spending habits, preferences and dislikes, companies are able to meet the expectations of their customers. It is no longer enough to provide better services and products. Customers have expectations, and the businesses that are able to best meet those expectations will be the ones rewarded with continued patronage.

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community


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