Hello Can you hear me? Hello?…Hello?… Is anybody there?
You know what thats about, right?. Obviously it is a dropped call. It is also referred to as a disconnect, and if you are in the Network Marketing Business, you better be in the Network Marketing Training business (MLM Training) and if you get disconnected there, then you have a real problem. You cant just hang up your phone and redial to reconnect. They are gone, LONG GONE!
Many of you are still touting the old school training (MLM Training). You are disconnected, and dont even know it! Something is very wrong with that. If you are serious about maximizing your opportunity with your current Network Marketing Opportunity then you have to realize how important it is to recognize, and prevent disconnect from happening.
If you are of the old school, you are (still) preaching to your team to write their goals, make their list and start begging (thats what it is) all of their friends and family to buy their (fill in the blank) from them, instead of (fill in the blank). How is that system working? If you are honest with your self, I dont care how much you believe in what you are doing, or how much you believe in your product(s) or service, it AINT working, because it doesnt work anymore!
If you are going to succeed with any Network Marketing Company in these modern times, you have to have technology doing all phases of your Network Marketing Business. Prospecting, Invitations, Presentations, Recruiting, Network Marketing Training, (MLM Training) Follow up AND Retention. Period.
Take a look around. All of the top money earners in Network Marketing (MLM) are using automated systems and tools and so should you. You should be learning about the Social Media aspects of Network Marketing. Facebook, YouTube, Back Page, Linkedin, Craigs List, Twitter and others. Your Network Marketing Training (MLM Training) needs to include up to date automated information on how to capitalize on these gold mines for your particular Network Marketing Opportunity. If your company does not provide it for you, you need to go out and find a company that is proven successful in doing it for you, or with you.
Automation is here to stay and you need to capitalize on it because you are losing tons of money, and I mean TONS of MONEY. More money is being made today in Network Marketing (MLM) than any other time in history. Todays Automation and tools allow that to happen. Todays current training (MLM Training) is what is making that possible. And again it does not matter how much you believe in what you are doing or how much you love your particular product or service. If you wanna get real about this whole thing, we are in it for the money. Period. Making money and lots of it will increase anyones belief in any particular product or service.
Hello?… Hello, is anybody there? You cant afford to get another disconnect in this business because somebody else is gonna connect with the call that you just dropped and they are going to pick up right where you left off with them, and put them into their down line and they are going to do it automatically.
Your Network Marketing Training (MLM Training) absolutely has to use all of the latest and greatest automation tools including: Multiple Streams of Income, Funded Proposal Marketing, Auto Responders, Capture Pages, Google and more.
Get plugged into this stuff and you too can take your opportunity straight to the T O P (Total Ongoing Prosperity).
For several years Doug Monroe struggled in his attempts with Network Marketing until he learned the secret of
Automation to generate and convert quality leads into his down line with this
Seven Video Tutorial.
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