The NativeAI service tracks user preferences with a much more granular categorization of content than other tools, the company says.

News discovery platform News360 is launching this week a free, cloud-based audience analytics platform for publishers and content marketers.
Called NativeAI, it employs machine learning — doesn’t everyone these days? — to track which topics create the most engagement for individual readers on apps and websites, as measured by page views, time on page and similar metrics.
The new analytics tool is similar to what News360 has used internally for its app and site, for which it claims about six million users. But co-founder and CEO Roman Karachinsky told me it has been completely rebuilt for the needs of external customers, such as the more specific content scope of a niche site.
NativeAI’s reports can be used by publishers to guide their content toward the subjects with the greatest response. It can also help them determine what kinds of content-related ads would best match up.
For marketers, Karachinsky said, such analysis can help brands determine the most engaging subjects for their content marketing.
He acknowledged that there are a wide variety of content analytics and personalization tools out there. By contrast, he said, NativeAI can find and track more than a million topic categories and sub-categories, compared to somewhere between a hundred and a thousand different content types in other tools.

While NativeAI creates user profiles across sessions for a site or app, Karachinsky said there were no plans to link those profiles with others, such as ones in customer relationship management systems. He also said he is open to the idea of sharing aggregate, anonymous data between publishers, for those that want to do so.
He added that this free product is the first in a series of tools for publishers that his company will be launching, based on NativeAI’s underlying technology. Eventually, he indicated, News360 could make money by taking a share of the increased revenue generated because of NativeAI.
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