Blogging is beneficial for multiple reasons: improving your website’s authority within your industry, providing answers to your visitor’s questions, and giving tips that help your visitors in various ways.
If you currently have a fairly static website, aside from the blogging that you do, you should prioritize onsite blogging because it will help you enjoy the numerous benefits of content consistently being added.
Update Your Old Blogs
While adding new content is certainly important, you can also get the same content benefits when you update an existing blog. The key to updating existing content? Add enough new information so that there are noticeable content additions or changes made.
It is also ideal to do this because you can update your old blogs that contain outdated information, especially because you do not want to steer your visitors in the wrong direction if they happen to stumble upon an older blog.
Temporary Ranking Boosts
Frequent and fresh content provides a boost in organic search engine rankings, if only temporary, but it is still beneficial because this boost can lead to additional traffic to help produce new business to business relationships.
More Content is Produced
The main benefit of focusing on onsite blogging is that you end up creating a lot of content for your website as the weeks and months go by. They say ‘Content is King’, so why not continuously add content to your site?
Content is a great way for your website to gain information that can help people in nearly every scenario, and the more content you have, the more you have to share on your social media avenues. More content equals more keywords that you can potentially rank for in search engines, and more traffic that you can direct to your site.
The post Onsite Blogging: The Key to Providing Your Site with Fresh Content appeared first on Foxtail Marketing.
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