Pinterest Marketing: The Longer You Wait, The More You Have To Lose

March 3, 2015


Pinterest is a great tool for people looking to discover things they are interested in or want to buy. The whole spectrum is covered; from products and services to creative ideas & places of interest and anything in between. It has an amazing search engine like Google does.

Two of the things I really love about Pinterest compared to other social media networks are how it can drive significant, qualified traffic back to a website and that it is easy to measure your results on Pinterest. Meaning it is easy to track your traffic to know if you are improving or getting an ROI from your investment.

Many businesses and entrepreneurs know that they need to embrace social media but which one?

If you’re a solopreneur managing your own social media accounts can be a daunting task because you have to keep up with so many changes on multiple platforms. I suggest instead of getting spread too thin on many, you focus and do very well on one. For the one I recommend Pinterest for a variety of reasons.

Pinterest attracts people with a buying intent versus Facebook & Twitter who attract their followers with a conversational intent. Isn’t that what you want, more buyers looking at your goods and services while they are shopping? For ecommerce businesses that is heavenly!

Pinterest is only five years old and still in its infancy but you need to get Pinterest leverage because if you’re not you are definitely losing out on website traffic, market intelligence, brand awareness and so much more. Your competitors are mostly likely on Pinterest which means your potential social media traffic and conversions are being poached. Stop fretting about if you should be on Pinterest. I’m here to tell you yes, get on Pinterest and master it before your competition takes your market share using this powerful and rapidly growing social platform.

Here are some recent stats:

  1. Pinterest has firmly secured its position as the 2nd largest referrer of social traffic.
  2. Pinterest accounts for 90% of social media shares on the web.
  3. IBM analyzed trends across two leading sites, Facebook and Pinterest. Facebook referrals drove an average of $ 90 per order, while Pinterest referrals averaged $ 100 per order.
  4. Pinterest users spend more than 2x as much online as the average U.S. internet user.
  5. According to eMarketer more than one-quarter of US social network users and 18.1% of internet users will use Pinterest on a monthly basis this year, eMarketer projects. By 2019, the network’s monthly user base will be 59.3 million—nearly 30% of US social network users.

Close up of female shopper with little shopping chart in hands s

Pinterest users shop more often & spend more than any other social network so if you’re an ecommerce site it’s a no brainer, you should be on Pinterest with serious consistent intent.

People visit Pinterest with a buying mindset and their intent is about the future. For marketers it’s great because consumers are telling you what they like & want to buy.

While many B2B businesses still think that Pinterest is just a bunch of pretty pictures and DIY crafts for women this is simply not the case. Let’s take a step back and understand how women use the internet to see how any business can benefit from Pinterest:

  • 75% of women in the U.S. use the Internet for product information before making a purchase
  • 35% research products and services online before buying offline
  • Women account for 58% of all total online spending
  • 22% of women shop online at least once a day

Are you kidding me?  22% of women shop on line every day.  Pinterest has a search engine like Google, people come to Pinterest to look for things they like and want to buy. Why wouldn’t you want to dominate Pinterest in your category?

Another astounding reason to LOVE Pinterest….free traffic

Pinterest is very important for creating a powerful online presence and attracting clients because it can help you rank on the first page of Google under your most important key words.

Step back and read that again.

Pinterest can help you get on the first page of Google’s organic search using your keywords. Look at how’s it helped me rank as Pinterest Expert and Pinterest Consultant I show up on the first page on Google under these keywords.

pinterest expert

pinterest consultant

What that means to business people is more traffic and better traffic because they are self-selected and free traffic to their website.  As the owner of a B2B business my number one source of traffic is Google organic search and my second largest source of website traffic is from Pinterest.

Bottom line: The longer you wait, the more you have to lose. Pinterest marketing can lead to more customers, more traffic, and more conversions. With Pinterest’s valuation at $ 11 billion you can bet it’s here to stay. If you’re not sure where to start get Chapter 1 from my Pinterest Marketing for Business course for free or learn more about How to Become a Pinterest Account Manager.


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