Question Time – Seeing Results in 2015

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March 23, 2015

Questions in 2015Here are some items I am playing over in my head. Maybe you have similar questions. I would be curious to know what people think about the following items in 2015:

Mobile-Friendly Ranking – Seeing big results from making sure website is mobile friendly. Are you seeing the same thing?

FourSquare – Have you seen a reduction in people checking-in? Was this app more of a fad?

Facebook – I’ve seen increased impressions on posts if you submit them in the evening as opposed to the morning. Has anyone else seen an increase in impressions depending upon the time the information is posted?

Twitter – Are you seeing more or less results on Twitter this year? Most of the media I read indicates Twitter is not as popular as it had been. I am finding a renewed engagement and audience on Twitter. Yes there is more news information, but overall, I think its better. Am I alone here? What are your thoughts?

Content Marketing – I am seeing content that I posted a few years ago coming back very strong. I have read a lot of recent articles that old content, (greater than 2 years) is not search-engine friendly and needs to be updated. I would beg to differ? What do others think?

Linkedin – Linkedin Blogging Platform is creating a whole new way to communicate which engages specific groups like professionals. I am looking at ways to link back to my Linkedin content and attract more readership an interest to my Linkedin content. I am seeing results with this approach. Are you?

Email – Great content in email messages helps sell you as an individual and a company. Many people are failing at producing a compelling piece of content in an email message. Should we be spending more time in this area? Answer – Absolutely!!! Seeing big results here.

Word-of-Mouth – Is this where the focus should be? How can I get my message out in a world of information, people, old ways and new ways?


I created this list of questions to see whre others stand with respect to these topics. I think we are going through a big shake-up with respect to which platforms we can use with respect to getting our message across to others.

What are you seeing in 2015? – Would welcome your input!

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