At the rate that the internet is going, it’s not that hard to see why a website redesign is needed after every few years. If you want to keep up with changing times, you will need to do the same to your website too.
So let’s say your site right now is looking its best. It’s perfect. It’s got a banging homepage that converts more than 5% of your traffic. Sure it’s great for a few years but by then, there would already have been so many updates (Google, anyone?) and changes in customer trends that you would need to do a total website redesign again to accommodate these changes.
It’s a good thing that the web design industry is kept on its feet this way. Not only does it benefit the internet user but also businesses. Businesses that need to step up their game if they want to get customers.
If you’re one of those businesses and you’re on the process of a website overhaul, you need to answer these 5 questions first to make sure that the redesign output meets both web industry trends and your needs.
Why am I redesigning my website?
A look at your business goals should give you an idea of what you want to accomplish with your website redesign. Is it to convert more users? Increase brand awareness? Enhance customer knowledge about your latest mermaid tail product? Whatever it is, keep those goals in mind when you redesign your website.
What do my audiences want?
You may be meeting your business goals but are you satisfying your user’s needs? Increasing traffic is the goal for all internet marketing efforts. If you want to have growing traffic, you need to give your users what they want. Take advantage of information from analytics tools to gain insight on what your audience wants and rebuild your site accordingly.
Is there any way I can make site navigation for my user easier?
Be critical of your website and don’t just settle for what you currently have. Give your site a long, hard look and see how you can possibly improve it so that even a user as technologically challenged as a 90-year old grandma can still navigate your site.
Should I improve my site copy?
Your business goals today may be completely different from what you had a few years ago which will warrant a revision of your site copy. You can revise some of it to improve the tone or do a complete overhaul of the copy replacing it with a brand new one that reflects your new business goals.
What other features can I add?
Your user’s needs may have changed over the years which means there may be features you can add to your website that can help make their experience more pleasant. It could be a live chat window on your home page or a library of resource articles that help the customer make a better and informed decision.
Make an outline of your answers to these questions and discuss them with your web designer. Having clear goals for your site makes the web design process easier and it opens up more time to make improvements.
In the end, it’s all about getting more success for your business. It’s for you to decide how successful you want it to be which will determine how much thought you put into the web redesign process.
Anabolic Technology can be your partner in redesigning your website. We turn it into something better which will propel your business for success.
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