One of the strategies being massively used, because of its almost instantaneous and highly productive results, is to position YouTube videos among the top results of and during searches.
It is very important to consider a few things if you want your video to be positioned successfully. There are many companies that offer, to people producing videos, software that helps to effectively meet this objective.
When you become skilled in positioning videos and these, in turn, provide you with revenue, then you will decide which software to use. For now, let’s dedicate this time to learning how to produce winning videos.
Step 1: Keyword Research
To begin, you must find words that connect you with your audience. Keep in mind that your video will be available for thousands of viewers. You need to start looking for keywords that connect your video content to as many people as possible.
The main objective of your video, other than helping your target audience, is to have the power to earn money, and that money is in the pocket of your target audience. That’s why it is important to be among the first options when a user is searching Google or YouTube.
An effective keyword stems from a thorough search, using the Google Keyword Tool. There are some words that can contribute to 500 searches a month.
The more searches, the more people will see it. That way, you can reach a greater number of people, and that means a potential increase in your income.
Step 2: Optimizing your Video
When you upload your video, it will be on the web, and it is likely that the SEO will start operating as well. It is very important to ensure that you have the right keywords in the video title, description, and tags.
The description of the video is the most relevant part of the SEO. Place your link at the top, include keywords in the first 25 words, give a description of at least 250 words, and include your keyword 3-4 times.
In the Tags, your keywords must be separated by commas, otherwise, they will be counted as one unique word.
You must remember that YouTube receives over 30 million visits a day, which is why you want the SEO to consider your video.
Step 3: Spreading the Word
YouTube is unique at evaluating the percentage of visits your video has, comments made, number of subscriptions after watching it, whether your video is shared on social networks, whether your video is a favorite, and also the thumbs up for your video.
The interaction of users with the video helps in positioning it, and also for an SEO to show it as a first choice.
Spending a lot of money in production does not guarantee acceptance. It is more profitable to NOT spend that much in production, and use that money to let as many people as possible know about your new video. After that, SEO will do its part and your video will start receiving free advertising.
There are many services that can help you achieve this. is one of them. There, you will find a considerable number of people who can publish your video in various ways, remembering that social bookmarking is one of the most powerful ways for SEO.
Final Tips
There are many ways to use YouTube as a tool to earn income. You just have to make use of it. Note that neither Google nor YouTube listen to your videos, they just rely on its description to determine the content of the video.
Often, YouTube can yield false visits. To avoid this, link your videos to sites where people seeking information meet, such as Yahoo! Answers. Doing this, you will get you many visitors and positioning, thus making YouTube see that you’re real.
Consider creating a YouTube channel. This can generate a greater interest from viewers to visit your site, and offers you greater range for compiling all your productions. Thus, making it possible to design and establish your brand. That way, when your target audience visits your public channel, they can better understand what you are offering.
Think about a strategy to align with the goal of your channel. Do everything in your power to encourage people to visit your site, subscribe, and give feedback. It will bring good results in the end.
YouTube offers all kinds of videos, ranging from leisure to major tutorials. So, don’t waste your time making advertising videos. Recurring audiences never look for that. They are more interested in either solving a problem or taking their boredom away.
Make videos that are topical, such as: downloading a video-editing program, how to classify an eBook on Amazon, products reviews, business. At the end of the video, send those viewers to your website.
Set aside the excesses, be more precise, and make relatively short videos in which people may be tempted to watch and share. Make constant use of your social networks and create bonds that could be beneficial in the future, whether in this or in any other activity.
Do not skip any details that can be useful, build links, ensure HD video, always keep you channel up to date and leave nothing to chance. If someone leaves a comment, try to respond. That way, you help to increase the number of visits.
Do not exceed, nor spare. Hire a professional cameraman for the day, pay an editor to add graphics, and rent a studio.
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