The #1 Rule of SEO
If you are an experienced Search Engine Marketing Expert who knows how to play the game that has been set by Google, then you surely know what the number one rule in SEO is and will be in the future.
Yes, it’s Google!
Google and their rules on their playground. To be able to play the game and win you have to play by the rules, or at least it has to look like it in the eyes of the Google, which many clever brains from the world’s leading SEO mastermind know and master with perfection.
You see, the problem is that so many online marketers want the same thing, to be in the top of the Google’s listings for the best possible keywords, and that is the #1 reason why engineers from Google had to create an algorithm which would take care of billions of websites and pages, to sort them out from the most helpful and relevant to add up and improve the user experience when browsing through the search engine.
I believe that it’s a good thing that company such as Google are trying to improve their free service to deliver the best possible experience to the visitor. This is well-eliminating spam and hackers, dumping a lot of useless stuff on the internet.
Google is after quality, so let’s give it to them!
SEO Processes
Everything that SEO expert does, have to look real and natural to the search engines, including the social profiles, blogs, links etc.
This is how it happens naturally when you look at the big old brands such as, Wikipedia, or Amazon, you can learn from their link profile a quiet lot, and that is what we believe Google is looking for and giving credit. 90% of their linking profile is being done naturally by other people sharing it, blogging about it, partnering, and reviewing their brand.
So in a nutshell, everything has to be done by many different individuals, the more the better.
The real Professional SEO Expert will make sure that everything looks like work of 100 individual people, not by one person trying to boost the website that has no authority, real traffic, therefore no credibility.
The Google’s algorithm is really sophisticated and can find all that information, scanning for the possible sign of a footprint that indicates something is not natural. And the biggest goal of the SEO expert is to do the best job to avoid of those footprints.
3 Main Examples of Unnatural Footprints
Most of the SEO’s know that PBNs (private blog networks) are the big ranking factor for websites for the last 10 years. (PBN is the previously used individual website bought through the auctions or expired domains, used for passing the link juice, the authority, onto the main website that SEO expert is trying to rank).
The content on the PBN website have to be relevant, the link from an irrelevant topical website is a possible footprint.
Diversity of Web Hosts and IPs
Using different host and IP address each time when linking from new PBN, meaning that you cannot dump all PBN’s on the one web hosting account like SEOs used to do a few years back. How it’s done properly is that you use different hosting account and different company each time you link to the main website.
Social Proof
PBNs is one part of effective SEO and another one is the social proof. It’s very natural in these days to have the main social accounts registered for the business. That’s why Google pays a huge attention to the social signals, they have a huge authority and millions of visitors in real traffic, which brings us to the last but not least important part of our successful 2017 SEO strategy, the TRAFFIC.
Real Traffic
I have already mentioned that Google gives more credit to the website that already has a stable flow of real traffic, apart from the site that has better metrics but very little or no traffic at all. This also makes very much sense because generally, every real business will have the traffic to the site from the referrals, word of mouths, social media, basically there will be some kind of buzz around it.
Last Words
Another thing that I believe is extremely important, is that businesses and business owners are well presented and educated about Search engine marketing, how it’s beneficial for them and how to find good SEO agency. Business owners need to understand that we are more and more entering into the digital age where solid online presence is securing the future of businesses.
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