Should Freelancers Limit Themselves to Just One Client?

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— May 13, 2018

StartupStockPhotos / Pixabay

When freelancers first get started there is almost always that question of whether or not they’ll get clients. After all, with no clients there is no income and they won’t make it as a freelancer.

But after landing their first one, they may want to celebrate because they feel good about that accomplishment. They finally made it as a freelancer.

For some freelancers, this gets the ball rolling to take on more clients. However, what if the first client becomes their only client? Should freelancers limit themselves to just one client?

Work May Be Limited

Of course it’s difficult to determine the perfect balance of freelance clients. But when freelancers limit themselves to just one client the work may be limited too.

There may be plenty of work at times. But as the business ebbs and flows, it could slow down as well.

For instance, some businesses slow down after the holidays and sales take a dip. If this happens to the client it could trickle down to the freelancer’s income as well.

Obviously, there is always the potential for the opposite to happen, too. If the client has only one freelancer and business is booming they may overload the freelancer.

It’s good to be busy, but too much work can cause stress and burnout. There’s a fine line between not enough work and too much work.

Disputes Could End Badly

What happens if the freelancer and the client encounter issues they can’t resolve? This is one of the risks freelancers face when they limit themselves to just one client.

When differences of opinion occur, both must work together to resolve conflicts. Unfortunately, if that freelancer isn’t the only one the client has the work could be given to someone else. Should that happen it could leave the freelancer unemployed until another client, or clients, are found.

Pay Might Be Less

Pay is another thing that could be affected by freelancers who limit themselves to just one client. With only one client there is no competition for their services.

The result is that it can make it harder for the freelancer to raise their rates. It can also lead to less pay for things such as research, meetings, revisions, and other services.

The freelancer could get taken advantage of by their client who tries to get extra services for free. On the other hand, freelancers may feel they have no choice but to put up with such treatment.

Quitting their only client may not be a possibility. In such cases, staying in control and being their own boss isn’t easy for the freelancer with only one client.

Should Freelancers Limit Themselves to Just One Client?

Whether or not freelancers should limit themselves to just one client isn’t easy to answer. It isn’t cut and dry because each freelancer’s life and situation is different.

Therefore, freelancers must gauge for themselves the risks involved before doing so. Additionally, as situations change it may be necessary to add additional clients or eliminate them down to just one. But going into it knowing what to consider first can help them make the best, informed decisions possible.

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