Six Effective Social Media Marketing Tips

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— December 23, 2016

Effective social media marketing tools

Effective social media marketing pays back in terms of successful businesses. A recent study suggests that social media recommendations lead to almost 30 percent of all websites’ overall traffic. So, if your business website is not benefiting from social media, then you may need to re-consider your social media strategy.

Here are some effective ways to boost social media marketing, which can positively impact your business, and increase your sales too.

Create custom-formatted tweets

Most tweets can get lost in the abyss of live feeds, especially the ones that seem to stream on with no end. Custom formatting can make sure that you are catching the reader’s attention. By applying line breaks and/or a unique font, you can break the monotony of short-form messaging. Also, include some fun symbols to refresh the look of your tweets. You can copy and paste fun symbols from or other similar services.

Go for longer posts

While Twitter is adamant in not removing its 140-character limit, Google Plus is a better alternative platform, as it enables you to start a conversation that with a longer post. As a result, longer posts bring in more comments and +1s.

Opt for Facebook Groups

As organic reach for Facebook pages of companies continues to go down, entrepreneurs, marketers and publishers would be better of by creating and managing Facebook Groups. The maximum benefit seems to be for members, as they can choose to receive direct notifications about updates, but by giving such controls to users/members you actually prompt more participation from them.

Market Across all Social Platforms

Convert Facebook fans into Twitter followers and LinkedIn connections into contacts. This will make all users circle your profile on Google Plus. Afterwards, regularly sharing on a social network will bring you constant attention from followers.

Facilitate Meaningful Connections

Bring in and connect with people who share similar ideas and encourage them to interact with each other too. This will make sure you are always discussing a common interest.

Stand behind your actions

A successful entrepreneur knows when to get rid of a non-progressive customer. When a business set up keeps an honest and reasonable, such actions can actually bounce back in terms of massive support from social-media users and can actually bring in many new paying clients.

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