There are several different “kits” that are referenced in the marketing world. Understanding what each of them is and when and if they apply to your business is helpful in understanding how they may be of benefit to your business.
Some of the kits and promotional pieces that often get mentioned include:
- Media kit
- Press kit
- Electronic press kit
- Brand or identity kit
- “One Sheet”
The following slideshare goes through each of these:
Media Kit
The media kit is one that is often presented to potential advertisers for a web site. Many sites (especially a few years ago) would include their media kit link so that the advertiser could see the traffic stats. Today, there are opportunities to review the stats (i.e. Alexa rating, PR, etc.) via other tools on the Internet. Many advertising brokerages require that publishers connect their Google analytics so that potential advertisers can see the stats. The requirement for the media kit, for stats purposes, may not be as high as in past years, but there is still a place for the media kit in the marketing arena.
The media kit goes a further than stats and allows for the insertion of media-related items that may be of interest to the advertiser, the sponsor, the radio show host, or TV host. The key thing for the company to keep in mind is to define the objective. For example, is the objective to gain more advertisers on the site? If so, cater the media kit to those stats. Is the objective to be interviewed on the radio or TV? If so, cater the media kit to demonstrating past appearances and media successes.
Press Kit
There is some crossover between the media kit and the press kit, especially in cases of the musician, or other entertainment-related businesses. For non-entertainers, it may be a more defined distinction.
The press kit answers the question of WHO, WHAT, WHERE. So, a press kit would be the right kit for a product launch or a new web site launch. It is also used for musicians, answering the question of WHO. That is where there may be a crossover with the media kit. Since the brand in a media kit is the musician and the musician answers the WHO in the press kit, there is some crossover. This isn’t so much the case in a small business scenario, but will be the case for speakers, etc.
The press kit includes the items that the press may want, in order to put their content piece together. That would include high quality headshots (which may also be included in the media kit) and audio files, videos, etc. Traditionally, these press kits were mailed or handed out, prior to the inception of the Internet. Now that the Internet is available, there is what is called the Electronic Press Kit, or EPK.
Electronic Press Kit
The Electronic Press Kit (EPK) is just what it sounds like. It is an electronic (digital) version of what would be included in the traditional press kit. While the EPK could be a web site, it is generally easier if it is laid out like an EPK (on a web page or pages). It should include sections that easily lead the press from one section to the next (including bio, high resolution downloadable pictures, sound files, videos, past gigs, testimonials, etc.).
Brand Or Identity Kit
Sometimes the Brand Kit (or Identity Kit) can be confused with the press or media kit. In reality, the Brand Kit does include some of the same components, but generally for a different purpose. The purpose of the Brand Kit is to create brand consistency.
The Brand Kit is used within the organization and provided to contractors who are putting together marketing materials for the company. It is like a style guide that dictates what fonts to use, what layouts, what images, colors, and more. It also includes some of the same components of the media and press kit so that those items (like images) can be re-used in other marketing materials. In that way, all marketing materials remain consistent.
The key for the Brand Kit is the consistency and it is a way to facilitate that consistency. A better term for it is really “Identity Kit” because it has to do with a consistent identity or brand identity. In reality, the word “brand” has more to do with the perception that people have about a brand and influencing that through marketing. Identity has more to do with the logos, colors, etc., so that the company is recognized. So, it is more of an “Identity Kit” or “Brand Identity Kit.”
“One Sheet”
The “One Sheet” is another promotional piece used by musicians and entertainers. The idea is to WOW the recipient of the “One Sheet” all on one sheet. In the past, this was a printed (or we should say, “compiled”) sheet that included newspaper clippings and clips of gig appearances. Today, the “One Sheet” can also be created online, as a digital piece. The key is to keep it shorter. So, the “One Sheet” can be put together using the same material as the media kit or the press kit and keeping it short and putting the best stuff out there, in order to land the gig (or other objective). The “One Sheet” is a concise press kit or media kit, but not a brand kit.
In Conclusion
Now that you understand how all of these kits and promotional pieces are similar (and different), which “kit” fits your business needs? It isn’t a bad idea to put together a version of all of them, but generally speaking, starting with one and doing it well makes logical sense. You can always add the others, recycling components from the first, after you have mastered your first kit.
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