Small Business Online Customer Experience

Are we ready for the new consumer?

Technology has quickly become the main engine of differentiation of enterprises, and thus has a significant influence on their growth and profitability. We are in a new digital era, in which companies must seize the opportunities it offers to re-imagine their businesses, especially anything that affects their relationship with customers: attracting new customers, improving the experience of existing ones, and most importantly decrease in operating costs.

From our point of view, in addition to innovate in the definition of unique, simple and personalised experiences for customers (improving the customer journey); it is necessary to leverage the digital transformation that is happening in the market to differentiate among consumers. It is what we call the Online Customer Experience.

Some key factors to consider in the strategy for this experience are:

Integration of channels (Multichannel)

Proper customer experience requires the integration of on and off channels to provide a consistent and seamless experience. Having a complete view of the customer and provide the ability to change or use different channels simultaneously depending on the wishes and needs of the client is vital for a successful online customer experience.

Mobile, key to any marketing strategy

Mobility is the key word in this digital revolution. Smartphones (88%) have already moved the laptop (86%) as the primary means to access the web.

SOLOMO based solutions (social, local, mobile) or adaptation of content based on different devices where shown (responsive web), augmented reality, are just some examples of initiatives undertaken.

Experience consistency over the entire life cycle

The customer experience must also be consistent throughout the entire cycle: marketing, sales and customer service, fulfilling the promise made to the customer at all stages of the cycle.

Evolution of marketing formats

Evolve marketing formats: focus on creating and distributing relevant and valuable good and services to clients related to the brand (content marketing), marketing campaigns based on the use of advanced technologies (rich & interactive media), application of the concepts and techniques of the games business environment.

New paradigm in customer relations: talk

You need to open channels of conversation with customers and listen to their views. There should be a tendency to generate collaboration and communities to cooperate and create engagement through the creation of content that empowers the user, (consumer empowerment), where social networks play an important role.

Having an integrated on/off architecture

Proper management of clients in today’s environment requires the availability of integrated information to provide a complete and comprehensive view of the customer architecture. Issues like Social CRM, integrating unstructured information from social networks, or Big Data for detailed needs and expectations of customers are top priority.

This article originally appeared on Marquetingquery and has been republished with permission.

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