Don’t start a Facebook Business Page and then abandon it, you need to post updates at least once a day every day. Depending on the engagement and activity of the Friends on your Page you may want to add another update or 2 each day.
Internet Trolls are the worst, but you need to deal with them in a kind way. The Friends on your Page may disagree with what you post, they may comment inappropriately or complain about your business in some way. It is important to acknowledge them and respond. If it is a negative try to turn it into a positive. Even though all you want to do is turn them off or ban them, don’t – instead kill them with kindness and laugh it off.
If you are looking to get people to purchase from you, offering them something helps. Give away a coupon or create a special offer just for Facebook. Give people incentive to purchase your product or use your services, prove yourself and gain their loyalty. They will then help you market through word-of-mouth.
It is important to set your sight on strategy. Figure out what it is you want your Facebook Page to gain for you – do you want exposure, do you want SEO, do you want branding, do you want a forum for customer service, do you want to make sales? All of these go hand-in-hand and you may want all of this as your strategy, but you need to know what it is you wish to achieve with your Page.
If you are doing it yourself and it isn’t working – don’t give up. Hire someone who knows what they are doing to manage your Page. Social Media Marketers can help you get it right and help you achieve Social Media success. Just because you are doing it wrong and it isn’t working – don’t give up!
Every so often thank your Friends for following your Page. Without them you your Page would be meaningless!
Hey – thanks for reading my blog! Without you no one would read this – so Thank You!
Follow these tips and you will achieve Social Media Success.
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