Social media is a great way to get high-quality links. Getting attention is easier said than done though, so here are four quick steps to raise your profile.
Interact regularly and often; when people post content the editors in question will take notice. Interactions are more noticeable when made early – a comment left after 300 other comments is easily missed, but if you are in the first five or ten comments you will be seen.
However, simple interaction isn’t enough. Posting ‘great article, thanks’ is nice feedback and makes the author feel fantastic, but when looking to get links, you need to add value to the thread. If a comment adds an extra dimension to the discussion, that is what will stand out from other interactions.
Find Link Likely Targets
Using a service like Followerwonk will help you find people who follow you and your work. These will straight away be the kind of people who are likely to link to you if you offer them something, such as writing a guest post for them.
Capture Their Attention
If you talk about your targets, their editor will check out what you are saying. Be careful not to pander, but if you are talking about something in a positive light, tweet them and tag them on other social media. They might even reach out and engage with you, which can get a conversation flowing, leading to them linking right to you.
Latent Links
Many people in SEO point to latent links as influencing Google’s correlation between social metrics and rankings. When you have a big following and post lots of things that get plenty of interaction, you earn latent links – automated republishing from services like Topsy picks up popular content from all kinds of social media and republishes it. This will lead you to getting published editorially in people’s blogs, and all the links that follow.
By using these processes, you can earn links even indirectly, boosting your traffic and helping you become much more influential.
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