Social Media Marketing: 4 Goals to Consider in 2016

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January 6, 2016

social media marketing, 2016 marketing, social media, content marketing, blog marketing, mobile armageddon, twitter marketing, facebook marketing, linkedin marketing, instagram marketing, google plus marketing, internet marketing, content development, social media tipsThe New Year has arrived and with it come many personal and professional resolutions. For business owners that may include a stronger marketing campaign — social media in particular — in 2016.

For those looking to spend more time drawing in customers through Facebook, Twitter and other social networking channels, here are four goals for you to include in your campaign that will help you achieve what you’re aiming for.

  1. Become mobile friendly

The last 12 months saw what many dubbed “Mobile Armageddon” as website developers scrambled to make their Internet spaces mobile friendly. This goes beyond websites, though, with more time using digital media now spent on mobile devices and less on desktop computers.

So what do you need to do to become mobile friendly? Always consider devices such as smartphones and tablets when developing content; how will images appear on both mobile devices and desktop rather than on just desktop alone? As well, consider engagement rates across all channels on all forms of devices and adjust your content as needed.

  1. Drive engagement

Speaking of engagement rates, few things in social media marketing could be more important. Engagement rates drive impressions, which ultimately result in your end goal: your business’ name in front of more eyes and an increased number of people looking to purchase from you.

When looking to increase engagement rates, consider what your audience wants to hear. Don’t continuously over-promote your business; talk about their interests and develop content that will catch their attention and make them want to retweet, favourite, like, share, respond to or click on your post. For more information on what to shoot for in terms of engagement rates, check out this post.

  1. Develop multiple types of content

You’re ready to begin using social media for advertising purposes, but what do you post? This depends on the platform, but know one thing: not every post should be the same. Mix in images, videos, infographics and, on occasion, go back to some plain old text.

People get bored of repeatedly seeing and reading the same thing, so always ask yourself if the content you have developed would intrigue you as an audience member and make you want to follow the brand you’re promoting.

  1. Interact with your followers

One way of keeping your followers engaged is by continuously interacting with them. This is particularly easy when advertising on Twitter: simply create a list of all accounts that have followed yours and check in on that list daily to stay on top. This will also allow the follower to create a sense of trust with the brand as it doesn’t just see the brand as a logo, but as an individual with a personality it can connect with.

One thing we all learned in 2015 is that social media is not just a passing fad: it’s here to stay. With that, it’s important that owners of businesses of all sizes recognize the importance of social media and spend the necessary resources investing in it.

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