I’m a fan of Social media. We sell consultancy services, courses and social management for a living. However, sometimes Social Media is just not the way to go.
Just Google it!
If you are like me, when I want to know something, I turn to Google as a habit.
Facts, research, news. Yes it’s all there, it’s not perfect but a good starting point. But what about when technology doesn’t work?
This week, I was at home in my study reading a book….Not a kindle, ebook or on my iPad but a physical book. Imagine that! I came across a word I didn’t understand so thought I’d look it up before carrying on. What happened next was pure habit.
I tried to access a dictionary on my phone, but the signal wasn’t strong enough. I moved around, waved the phone in the air but to no avail. So I went to the laptop to try and pick up a wireless signal and sure enough the wireless router had a meltdown and couldn’t connect.
“Huh” what to do next. (By now I’ve invested about 5 minutes in this project!) Well the solution was clear, instant and readily available.
I turned to my bookshelf and dusted off the dictionary. 5 seconds later I had my answer.
We are so tuned in to instant gratification with Google, Social Media, parking sensors on our cars that sometimes we don’t use our brains properly.
So how does this relate to Social media?
Old school “Social” Media
Yes, Facebook targeting and custom audiences can be wonderful. Twitter now allows targeting. We have Blogs, e-zines, emails, newsletters, etc. However sometimes….. Just sometimes its best to go back to basics.
Pick up the phone.
Physically go to the business to talk to someone
Write a personal letter
It’s all about speed right?
E-mail is one of those technologies that really has done a good job of convincing us that it’s fast. However it’s only as fast as the time it takes for the final response to hit your inbox, perhaps after 5 email exchanges. Usually a Call would be better.
So here’s the point. Social media is wonderful for mass reach, brand awareness and of course making sales. When you want to get personal however, sometimes old school methods are best…. For everything else there’s social media!
What do you think? Emails drive you barmy? Let me know what you think.
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