Stay Productive With Work From Home Tips

Are you working from home because of the coronavirus outbreak? Organizations across the globe have rolled out mandatory policies for remote work. The cases of COVID-19 have increased worldwide to an alarming number in just a few weeks. Many organizations are asking their employees to WFH.

Working remotely is getting in trend these days. Though WFH seems to be a positive side of COVID-19, it also brings with it a few challenges. My blog will guide you to maximize your productivity during the lockdown.

Stay Productive With Work From Home Tips

I am sharing a few handy tips which one should follow to optimize the WFH routine for maximum productivity.

1. Yourself with Advanced Technology:

An essential item while working from home is a reliable technology. Laptops, computers, access to internet networks are tools that employees need, whether they work from home or offices. With the use of secure connections, remote workers should get secured Wi-Fi and get work with the trusted virtual private networks. Use Google Hangouts for a team meeting; it is the best tool for messaging. For recruiters, to get the desired result, they must use this tool to avoid manual screening of resumes. It is a time consuming and difficult task. They can take the help of automation, software such as resume parser, which can parse a large number of resumes or jobs in a scalable manner. It allows you to extract the candidate information from resumes in pre-defined data fields. This will help you to get more productive, and you can get the candidates in a fraction of time.

2. Video Communication:

Conducting video conferences with the team will help you to be more focused on your work. Making sure you are using telecommuting devices like Zoom, hangouts, etc. so you can stay connected with the team members. Of you feel lonely, consider video calling or teleconferencing with your teammates, friends who are also working from home by satellite. As a leader, share more information than usual with your team, help them to learn the technology they need in this hour, organize social interaction, and share everyone’s thought process how they are coping with the current situation.

3. Plan Workflow:

Plan your work for the day before you start the day. Set up an area of your house to use as a workspace. Get ready with your task sheet. Prioritize your projects and schedule time slots, including extra time in between unforeseen work calls and new tasks received from the manager. Make sure whenever you start your daily task, continue it till the end. Do not switch the task in between. Getting pulled away by your need to respond to a new email and frequently switching the task will kill your productivity.

4. Stay Active:

After the whole day working, put away all your electronic devices or work tools. Keep all the work reminder out of you, sight, and mind. Go for a work in your balcony or sit and relax; this will help you recharge your batteries to work again with a fresh mind. Incorporate exercise into your daily routine; this will help you to relax your mind and keep you healthy and stress-free during the lockdown.

5. Be Cheerful:

In this pandemic situation, the most important is to be creative and do not let your limited circumstances dwarf your tranquillity, happiness, and productivity. The most significant power of any individual is their perspective; it may empower or victimize you. When you see for the upside in a downside situation and figure out how to control but cannot control it, trust accepts it. The best ally is to find the opportunity in difficulty in such an uncontrol able situation. Instead of getting demoralized, take advantage of this restrictive time, do gardening, enjoy with family, get caught up with fun activities with your kids, which you have neglected for a while.

We all go through this tough or strange time together. Have faith in your ability to adapt the changes and balance your work-life. Every day, pat yourself on the back for everything you have accomplished even if there have been some speed bumps along in your journey.

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Author: Lovepreet Dhaliwal

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