Strayed From Your 2019 Goals? How to Get Back on Track!

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— February 14, 2019

Strayed From Your 2019 Goals? How to Get Back on Track!

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Although January has only just ended, how many of us can truly say that we have stuck to the goals we set out for ourselves for 2019? The truth is that only about 10% of people actually carry out the goals they set out too, so if you have strayed from your objectives, you are not alone. Follow the tips below to get yourself back on track and committed to your 2019 goals.

Set SMART Goals

The first rule of thumb when setting goals you are committed to realizing is to set specific and time driven objectives.

SMART can be broken down into the following:

  • Specific: Specific and detailed
  • Measurable: Clear objectives with measurable results
  • Achievable: Goals that are possible within the timeframe and with available resources
  • Relevant: Vital to the success of the individual and the organization
  • Time-bound: Time-specific with a clear deadline

Whether personal or specific, most of us make general goals that make it difficult to hold ourselves accountable. For example—you may wish to automate your work processes this year, but without planning specific actions within a specific time frame, you will likely never get around to doing so.

Break down objectives into small, detailed tasks, and create a reasonable timeframe in which to get them done. By going down the list and crossing off the tasks that are completed, you will be motivated to keep going and ultimately realizing your goal.

Be Flexible

When you start to carry out a specific goal, you may become unmotivated to keep going because you realize that it is not important, or too difficult to carry out. It’s important not to give up and empower yourself to achieve your goals; however, it is just as necessary to reevaluate your objectives monthly to make sure they are still relevant to your short and long-term plan.

It is advantageous to be flexible to fine-tune your goals, or change your strategy if you truly feel it is not in line with your objectives. Changing your goals will ultimately be more valuable than becoming disillusioned and abandoning them altogether.

Reward Yourself

Most of us have a lot on our plate, and tend to get tired and stressed out when we take on too much. To stay focused on your goals, it’s vital to create rewards once you have completed a certain objective.

We are psychologically wired to positively react to rewards—research has found. By utilizing positive reinforcement, we can train our brains to get excited about achieving goals because that process will be associated with the positive feelings of getting rewarded.

Whether the reward will be a shopping spree or a relaxing massage, simply doing something good for yourself after working hard is a great strategy to keep working on your goals and yourself.

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Author: Kaitlyn Hammond

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