Survive Your Business Start-up

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December 12, 2014


Every business can encounter some difficulties during its start-up, however, it is up to you whether you survive it or not. Implementing a decent business plan certainly helps, although it does not hurt to move away from it sometimes, for example when certain adjustments need to be made. Read on and discover valuable tips that will help you get your business to the next level.

Estimate Your Financial Needs

When you start a business, you probably have its finances worked out in great detail. However, many business owners forget to create a detailed plan for personal expenses or they are unrealistic about their current living expenses.

In order to avoid taking money from the business to survive, it is necessary to create a plan for your personal expenses. An estimation of this amount should be made before you start your business, so you don’t find yourself in trouble from the start. Don’t forget to allocate money for holidays, taxes and other recurring expenses.

Sometimes you might even need outside help in order to survive. When you have your own business, you could be eligible for certain tax credits or deductions that could make your life easier. Even though you can get help nowadays, it is important not to depend on these external sources too much.

When estimating your personal living expenses, take into account emergency expenses, for example health care costs or an emergency repair in the house. People often don’t allocate money for this and find themselves unable to pay for necessities.

The Profit Estimate

Surviving in business goes hand in hand with profit. In order to give yourself a decent chance, you will also need an estimate of the money you will be bringing in. Your personal financial reserve won’t last forever and your business will eventually have to pay you a wage.

Estimate the total amount of sales you expect and deduct business expenses. Once you have done this estimate, you’ll be able to figure out possible salaries, dividends and even the tax you’ll pay.  Deduct your financial requirements from the total amount you come up with and by doing so you will be able to determine if your business will be profitable enough to survive.


The perfect scenario for any business owner is having some personal savings before you start your business. Your personal savings can be used to pay your living expenses and it will put less pressure on you.

Business savings are also a good idea, especially when your business won’t make money that quickly. Putting some money in the bank solely for business expenses can help you survive and may even save your business. Whenever you encounter emergency expenses, or when you have to adjust certain business strategies, this money will become your saviour.

Not everyone has the means to deposit business savings. Some business owners will look for a small loan that can tie them over until the business makes a profit. However, if you are unsure if your business will hit off, do not take on any loans. It will leave you in debt and you’ll have to say goodbye to your dreams forever.

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