This GA4 assistant has tools to select goals you want to import, copy Google Ads links and add users who can access your current property. Constantine von Hoffman on October 24, 2022 Working with Colleen Harris, head of business intelligence and reporting strategy at Sincro, we’re putting together a guide to getting started with Google … Continue reading GA4 Setup Assistant part 2: Getting started with Google Analytics 4
Tag Archives: Assistant
GA4 Setup Assistant part 1: Getting started with Google Analytics 4
The GA4 Setup Assistant in Universal Analytics will help you migrate to the new tool if you manage the tags correctly. Constantine von Hoffman on October 17, 2022 Working with Colleen Harris, head of business intelligence and reporting strategy at Sincro, we’re putting together a guide to getting started with Google Analytics 4. This is … Continue reading GA4 Setup Assistant part 1: Getting started with Google Analytics 4
Google Battles Assistant Users Over Accidental Voice Recordings
Google Battles Assistant Users Over Accidental Voice Recordings by Wendy Davis @wendyndavis, August 23, 2022 Google is urging a judge to rule in its favor in a privacy lawsuit brought by users who claim Assistant-enabled devices recorded conversations without consent, and disclosed portions to outside contractors. In papers filed Monday with U.S. District Court Judge … Continue reading Google Battles Assistant Users Over Accidental Voice Recordings
7 time-saving Google Assistant tricks you should use every day
By Doug Aamoth May 12, 2022 If you’re like me, you’re constantly looking for ways to save time. I’m not all that busy, mind you: I’m mostly just lazy. And the less time I spend doing stuff, the more time I have to not do stuff. Enter Google Assistant. It’s very good at setting … Continue reading 7 time-saving Google Assistant tricks you should use every day
Think Smart, Work Smarter: So You’ve Hired an Assistant or Want to…Now What?
Kelly Louro January 19, 2021 You’ve done it! After the long hours of back-office tasks you decided to take on by yourself (tsk, tsk…), mountains of unread emails, and clearing your voicemail box for the THIRD time this week, you finally decided to hire an assistant. Congratulations! …Now what? Getting Started Hiring an assistant (whether … Continue reading Think Smart, Work Smarter: So You’ve Hired an Assistant or Want to…Now What?
Do You Know Your Virtual Assistant?
Susan Poirier November 19, 2020 Your virtual assistant is more than that amazing avatar behind the company name that gets your SH** done in a timely manner. We are your left hand, right hand, and perhaps a toe or two that manages all those business nuisances and trying tasks so you can focus your most … Continue reading Do You Know Your Virtual Assistant?
Google Assistant Opens, Searches, Completes Functions In Mobile Apps Using Voice
Google Assistant Opens, Searches, Completes Functions In Mobile Apps Using Voice by Laurie Sullivan @lauriesullivan, October 8, 2020 Google announced this week the ability to open and search in Android apps using “Hey Google” for all Assistant-enabled Android phones. The ability to do both could become a game changer for brands looking for ways to … Continue reading Google Assistant Opens, Searches, Completes Functions In Mobile Apps Using Voice
Google makes it easier to find local news through Podcasts and Assistant
Christine Fisher, @cfisherwrites September 2, 2020 While news podcasts are increasingly popular, most focus on national and global news. It tends to be harder to find local news, especially in an on-demand, audio format. Google wants to change this. Today, it announced plans to bring Your News Update to Google Podcasts and to make it … Continue reading Google makes it easier to find local news through Podcasts and Assistant
How to Become a Virtual Assistant
Matt Harrison July 20, 2020 As a virtual assistant, you’ll essentially be running your own business. As your own boss, you will be responsible for finding and retaining clients. To become a virtual assistant, therefore, you must be ready to embrace an entrepreneurial mindset. When starting this solopreneur business, you also need some basic business … Continue reading How to Become a Virtual Assistant
Hiring a Virtual Assistant for Entrepreneurs: Why It’s So Hard to Let Go
Jeff J. Hunter July 13, 2020 For many entrepreneurs, hiring a virtual assistant is something that sits at the bottom of their “to do” list for months or even years. They know that delegating is a powerful tool. They’ve heard stories of others who’ve cleared time in their schedules, made more money, and grown their … Continue reading Hiring a Virtual Assistant for Entrepreneurs: Why It’s So Hard to Let Go