Tag Archives: College

Masterclass offers US college students three months of access for $1

Masterclass offers US college students three months of access for $1 You’ll need to act quickly if you’re interested, as it’s a one-day only deal. K. Holt @krisholt May 27th, 2022 Masterclass All products recommended by Engadget are selected by our editorial team, independent of our parent company. Some of our stories include affiliate links. … Continue reading Masterclass offers US college students three months of access for $1

Recruiters are passing over college degrees for this essential soft skill

By Tracy Brower   May 25, 2022 A college degree used to be the gold standard for finding a job, but increasing numbers of companies are eliminating or reducing their requirements for a degree as a condition for hiring. According to Glassdoor, graduating from an impressive college name is now less critical for landing a … Continue reading Recruiters are passing over college degrees for this essential soft skill

Report: College degree requirements are keeping qualified women of color out of tech

By Lydia Dishman   March 25, 2022 What is it going to take to get more women of color in tech? The answer is complex, but MacKenzie Scott aims to be part of the solution.  Her philanthropy continues to focus on moving the needle toward equity for all. As such, she’s donated $3.9 billion to … Continue reading Report: College degree requirements are keeping qualified women of color out of tech

Straight Talk on Email Marketing to College Students: From a College Student

Alyssa Rice July 31, 2021 Introduction I’ll be completely honest with you. College students hate email. They dread checking it. It is a form of communication with their professors, their partners in group projects, and all of those lists they did not intend to subscribe to. Email just isn’t fun. Coming from someone who just … Continue reading Straight Talk on Email Marketing to College Students: From a College Student

Lessons Leaned From a College Football Team that Wanted to Change

Jim Haudan — December 11, 2019 Follow @jhaudan As I was beginning my professional career 30-plus years ago, I also spent four years as a high school football coach. Not far removed from playing myself, I found it invigorating to help young players flourish. I still remember developing the offensive game plan that would take … Continue reading Lessons Leaned From a College Football Team that Wanted to Change

Preparing college students for the marketing profession takes commitment and planning

Internships can help launch well-prepared talent into the workforce after graduation but mentoring requires engagement from professionals. Steve Petersen on November 27, 2019  Recently, I on-boarded a martech intern. It’s exciting to offer college students an opportunity to explore their professional interests. The great thing about martech is how it touches many of the various … Continue reading Preparing college students for the marketing profession takes commitment and planning

Do the marketing principles we learned in college still apply today?

Figuring out how to apply marketing theory to your business can be the secret to outmaneuvering your competition. Jacob Baadsgaard on October 21, 2019 Most of the entrepreneurs and even online marketers that I know are self-taught. These days, you don’t have to get a degree in marketing to be successful in business. All it … Continue reading Do the marketing principles we learned in college still apply today?