How does a customer data platform fit into your marketing technology stack? Columnist Josh Manion discusses the role of the CDP and how it differs from other data platforms. Josh Manion on September 14, 2016 Just when marketing thought it had sorted out the latest in data management tools, a high-profile industry analyst firm officially … Continue reading Connecting the dots: How the customer data platform solves what ails marketers
Tag Archives: Connecting
Connecting Product Knowledge to Target Markets
by Will Humphries July 15, 2016 Follow @JustCallMeWillJuly 15, 2016 A lot of sales organizations place emphasis on research to gain product knowledge. And rightly so. You need to understand the benefits your solutions offer to sell effectively. However, equally important to communicating value is awareness of the specific needs, motives and concerns of your … Continue reading Connecting Product Knowledge to Target Markets
Why Connecting With Everyone May Cause You to Lose Out
by James Potter July 7, 2016 Follow @thelinkedinmanJuly 7, 2016 The other day, I was meeting a client for coffee, and he seemed very excited. You’ll never guess how many new contacts I got this week, he said. 72! In a single week! Well, that might sound impressive, but is it really? When I asked … Continue reading Why Connecting With Everyone May Cause You to Lose Out
Connecting Demographics To Search Queries
Frustrated by the lack of demographic data available for search ads? Contributor Andrew Ruegger shares his method for obtaining demographic information at the keyword level. Andrew Ruegger on February 29, 2016 Advertising in search is often difficult to conceptualize for many brands because of how different the live auction and targeting methodology is compared … Continue reading Connecting Demographics To Search Queries
3 Steps to Connecting with Customers on Social Media
by Katie Leimkuehler January 5, 2016 Follow @kleimkuehlerJanuary 5, 2016 Social media is a vital part to any business, but it’s not just enough to use you – you have to actively utilize all that it offers you. Your social media channel is your direct link to your customers and the audience you’re trying to … Continue reading 3 Steps to Connecting with Customers on Social Media
DBA Advice: Merits of Connecting Social Media Interactions To Database
by Sujain Thomas December 2, 2015 Follow @sujainthomasDecember 2, 2015 Social media is one of the best ways to communicate nowadays. It is cheap and reliable. You can have it anywhere on this planet. As long as you are able to access a decent internet connection, you can use the likes of WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter … Continue reading DBA Advice: Merits of Connecting Social Media Interactions To Database
20 Best Tips for Connecting with Millennials
Stacy FirthNovember 2, 2015 It seems that every generation is misunderstood at some point in time, but few have received the massive amounts of negative attention that millennials have. Adjectives most often applied to the group born between 1981 and 1997 (today’s 18-34 year olds)? Spoiled. Entitled. Lazy. But like most stereotypes, they really aren’t … Continue reading 20 Best Tips for Connecting with Millennials
Social Media Really Does Have The Power To Change Lives By Connecting People
Joao RomaoOctober 25, 2015 Naysayers claim that social media isn’t very important. Or, that it isn’t really real. What do they mean when they say this? The assumption is that social media communication somehow isn’t a ‘genuine’ connection. But what these people don’t understand is that social media is simply a tool to make the … Continue reading Social Media Really Does Have The Power To Change Lives By Connecting People
Connecting vs. Creating: Which is More Important for Business?
Sean OgleSeptember 27, 2015 For the last few years I’ve been pretty vocal against people who say responding to email isn’t real work. In fact, on any given day almost half of my working hours are spent on my inbox. Why would I spend so much time doing something that so many other successful entrepreneurs … Continue reading Connecting vs. Creating: Which is More Important for Business?
Retail Marketing Strategies: Connecting The Dots
As more shoppers turn to their smartphones to do product research, retailers need an all-inclusive mobile marketing strategy to reach consumers at just the right time, says columnist Allan Haims. Allan Haims on August 28, 2015 Today’s retailers are still very much siloed between operational, brick-and-mortar, and digital and social mobile teams. Often, store level … Continue reading Retail Marketing Strategies: Connecting The Dots