by Sean Hargrave, , Staff Writer, May 23, 2016 Amidst all the announcements at the recent Adobe Summit, one truly caught my eye. It was a very simple step forward, but one that could easily be understood and implemented with minimal disruption and training because it resembles the experience we all have when texting, only … Continue reading Subject Line Suggestions Will Replace Gut Feeling With Data-Driven Insight
Tag Archives: DataDriven
From Hunch-Based to Data-Driven: Transforming your Business Culture through Analytics
by Brian Brinkmann March 10, 2016 Follow @BrianFBrinkmannMarch 10, 2016 Creating a data-driven organization doesn’t just happen overnight. Just because you provide someone with a chart or report, doesn’t mean they are automatically going to start making data-driven decisions. Like all change in an organization, it’s a multi-step process that requires some time, some people, … Continue reading From Hunch-Based to Data-Driven: Transforming your Business Culture through Analytics
Are You a Data-Driven Leader?
by Andrew Gori March 5, 2016 Follow @agoriMarch 5, 2016 Many companies, even in this increasingly data-driven marketplace, still unfortunately succumb from time to time to what we call the “HiPPO Syndrome” (Highest Paid Person’s Opinion), allowing decisions to be made according to highest ranking stakeholder’s experience rather than the data. So we have to … Continue reading Are You a Data-Driven Leader?
How to Create a Data-Driven Culture
Collin BurkeAugust 24, 2015 By now, you’ve probably seen Netflix CEO Reed Hastings’ SlideShare on company culture, which has racked up 11 million views since 2009. Since then, countless other companies have shared their culture decks with the world in an effort to detail their identity. HubSpot is one of those companies that has had … Continue reading How to Create a Data-Driven Culture
Small Businesses Drive Growth with Data-Driven Marketing
Larisa BedgoodMay 24, 2015 It’s the age of Big Data, digital shopping, social media, and mobile marketing. Companies of all sizes are diving into the on-line world to find new data, new opportunities and new ways to grow business. At the heart of good marketing is data. And when data drives your marketing, the average … Continue reading Small Businesses Drive Growth with Data-Driven Marketing
Data-Driven Strategies for Writing Better Titles & Headlines (Infographic)
Louis FoongMay 22, 2015 It’s hard to overstate the value of a good title or headline. It is your first, possibly only chance to capture the attention of your audience. That’s why it’s important to craft interesting headlines every time. This infographic draws data from Hubspot and Outbrain to analyze the results of over three … Continue reading Data-Driven Strategies for Writing Better Titles & Headlines (Infographic)
Storytelling In A Data-Driven, Cross-Device Era
In a world of multiple channels and devices, how do you make the right story matter to the right people? Columnist James Green offers some guidance. James Green on May 18, 2015 Everyone loves a great story — a story that quickly captures your attention, keeps you engaged and speaks directly to you. Today, there … Continue reading Storytelling In A Data-Driven, Cross-Device Era
Brands With Limited Data View Fail At Data-Driven Marketing
Laurie Sullivan @lauriesullivan, (April 01, 2015) Capturing one complete view of the customer journey remains ridden with obstacles, yet it is imperative for success. A recent study reveals weaknesses in data-driven marketing, with just 6% admitting they have access to one view of customer data across their enterprise. The remainder of the 171 brand marketers … Continue reading Brands With Limited Data View Fail At Data-Driven Marketing
The Data-Driven Art Of Digital Marketing
Digital marketers today have an abundance of data at their disposal, and columnist James Green notes that determining how to best utilize all these data points is truly an art form. James Green on March 23, 2015 I love tech and data. In fact, there is nothing I like more than utilizing data to make … Continue reading The Data-Driven Art Of Digital Marketing
How To Build a First-Rate Team Of Data-Driven Marketers
Lucy HardakerMarch 18, 2015 According to Workbooks, 90% of the world’s data has been created in the past two years alone….which means there’s A LOT of data available to marketers right now. Your team need to start drawing valuable data insight if you want to truly understand your prospects’ buying behaviour, increase lead generation and … Continue reading How To Build a First-Rate Team Of Data-Driven Marketers