Tag Archives: Dips

How to counteract dips in productivity as workflow disruptions become the new norm

Sixty-two percent of companies have seen decreases in productivity since enforcing work from home policies. Amy Gesenhues on May 13, 2020 The number of employees working from home has skyrocketed from 5 million to 75 million since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, according to a recent report from 451 Research. “Sixty-two percent [of companies] … Continue reading How to counteract dips in productivity as workflow disruptions become the new norm

ACSI report: customer satisfaction increases for e-business despite dips in social media

ACSI has come out with a report on customer satisfaction across e-business. Tamar Weinberg on July 26, 2016 at 12:01 am ACSI, the American Customer Satisfaction Index, has released interesting findings regarding how social media, search engines and new websites have affected the overall perception of e-business. This year’s report culled data from nearly 70,000 … Continue reading ACSI report: customer satisfaction increases for e-business despite dips in social media

State of Social 1Q15: LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Dips

Christopher PennMay 1, 2015 Unemployment continues to sink, with official unemployment at 5.5% and total labor underutilization at 11%. Given this backdrop, how is the professional social network doing? Has LinkedIn’s pivot to become a content marketing site and publisher been a success? Let’s look at the numbers. Growth LinkedIn’s network continues to grow at … Continue reading State of Social 1Q15: LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Dips