Tag Archives: Donate

Grocery stores that donate expiring food make higher profits

September 28, 2024 Grocery stores that donate expiring food make higher profits Researchers found that food donations correspond to a 33% increase in profit margin. BY The Conversation All major supermarkets and retailers that sell groceries, such as Kroger, Walmart, and Costco, give large amounts of food to food banks and pantries. In 2022, retailers donated close … Continue reading Grocery stores that donate expiring food make higher profits

This fund will let people donate to help support unionizing Starbucks workers

By Kristin Toussaint   July 25, 2022   As Starbucks workers continue to unionize—voting for a union in 200 stores across the country—some claim they’ve faced retaliation, from harassment to reduced hours and firings to entire stores being shuttered. Multiple GoFundMes have sprung up to support unionizing workers; but now, Starbucks Workers United and The … Continue reading This fund will let people donate to help support unionizing Starbucks workers