Tag Archives: Emotional

Marketers Fail At Using Emotional Drivers To Reach Millennials

Laurie Sullivan @lauriesullivan, (June 25, 2015) Millennials make purchases based largely on anxiety or empowerment, and understanding those emotional drivers may become the biggest key to connecting with them, according to a study. For Millennials, staying connected with friends and family by sharing their emotions on social media has become a daily way of life, … Continue reading Marketers Fail At Using Emotional Drivers To Reach Millennials

Understanding Consumers’ Emotional Fingerprint: Why Sentiment Is Misleading

Columnist Rick Miller believes marketers need to move beyond sentiment analysis and instead take a deeper look at consumers’ emotions. Rick Miller on March 27, 2015 The most successful marketing campaigns carry emotional associations that connect consumers to the brand and its products. But too often, marketers miss the boat by gauging success based on … Continue reading Understanding Consumers’ Emotional Fingerprint: Why Sentiment Is Misleading