Tag Archives: Feeling

Marketers keep adding tech despite feeling overwhelmed by too many tools

Nearly two-thirds (65%) of marketers are prioritizing technology over creativity, a new study from Clevertouch Consulting found. Chris Wood on February 22, 2024 Marketers are making martech a priority, although some organizations have found their stacks becoming increasingly complex and are looking to simplify them. Some 57% of marketers are feeling overwhelmed by the number … Continue reading Marketers keep adding tech despite feeling overwhelmed by too many tools

Shoppers Are Feeling The Inflationary Pinch As The Holidays Approach

Shoppers Are Feeling The Inflationary Pinch As The Holidays Approach by Ray Schultz , December 6, 2022 Consumers are feeling far from optimistic as we get closer to the holidays, according to Jungle Scout’s Q4 Consumer Trends report.  Of U.S. shoppers, 80% believe the country is headed for a recession, and 93% have noticed higher … Continue reading Shoppers Are Feeling The Inflationary Pinch As The Holidays Approach

Is Your Team Feeling Bored? Here Are 5 Ways to Inspire Them

Ryan McGonagill July 25, 2020 There are many reasons why people may quit a job. Sometimes, as the person’s direct manager, those reasons aren’t totally in your control, like how much they’re paid and what their benefits are However, a recent Fractl survey reveals 14% of Americans who quit their jobs did so because they … Continue reading Is Your Team Feeling Bored? Here Are 5 Ways to Inspire Them

How to Help Yourself If You’re Feeling Stuck At Work

Liz Kislik — July 23, 2019 Follow @lizkislik — July 23, 2019 When I interview executives for corporate change management or improvement projects, they often talk about the feeling that they’re not making or seeing enough progress. Indeed, according to Gallop’s 2017 State of the Workplace report, fully two-thirds of U.S. employees feel disengaged at … Continue reading How to Help Yourself If You’re Feeling Stuck At Work

Hooked on a feeling: The forgotten factor in online advertising

We’re stuck using outmoded concepts such as segmentation and demographic groups, when what marketers should be seeking is a prospect’s mood or mindset. Jacqui Wallis on November 9, 2018   If there’s anything the recent past has reminded us, it’s that feelings still trump considered thought. This is also true for advertising, but not in … Continue reading Hooked on a feeling: The forgotten factor in online advertising

Feeling Like Business is Slow in August? Here Are 5 Ways to Maximize Your Results

Spencer X. Smith — August 15, 2017 Follow @spencerXsays — August 15, 2017 Shanon / Pixabay In many of our businesses, August is a slow month. People take their final opportunities to goof off while the weather is warm and our kids are yet to start school. Before the post-Labor Day rush back to work, … Continue reading Feeling Like Business is Slow in August? Here Are 5 Ways to Maximize Your Results

Subject Line Suggestions Will Replace Gut Feeling With Data-Driven Insight

by Sean Hargrave, , Staff Writer, May 23, 2016 Amidst all the announcements at the recent Adobe Summit, one truly caught my eye. It was a very simple step forward, but one that could easily be understood and implemented with minimal disruption and training because it resembles the experience we all have when texting, only … Continue reading Subject Line Suggestions Will Replace Gut Feeling With Data-Driven Insight