Tag Archives: great

The Power of Strong Relationships at Work: 5 Tips to Building Great Ones

Jim Haudan — November 12, 2019 Follow @jhaudan I once read a Harvard University study about the types of people who achieve professional success, and it really struck a chord with me. The study found that 85% of professional success comes from people skills. While I wasn’t surprised, as I believe it is impossible to … Continue reading The Power of Strong Relationships at Work: 5 Tips to Building Great Ones

Are You Practicing These 4 Techniques to Help Your Employees Become Great Leaders?

Steven Handmaker — October 4, 2019 Follow @handmaker While not everyone in the organization is destined for an executive or senior leadership role, there are still many opportunities for employees to develop their leadership skills. Coaching and developing employees to become better leaders is not only essential to overall business growth but key for development … Continue reading Are You Practicing These 4 Techniques to Help Your Employees Become Great Leaders?