Tag Archives: Habits

Political polarization reflected in voters’ shopping, media habits

As November elections approach, here’s where Democrats, Republicans and Independents are shopping and getting their news. Chris Wood on March 8, 2024 Marketers are engaging very different consumers depending on their political affiliation. How consumers vote informs several other behaviors, including where they shop and how they consume media. And the distinction isn’t only between … Continue reading Political polarization reflected in voters’ shopping, media habits

3 habits the most successful communicators share (and how you can easily get them)

  By Vanessa Wasche January 11, 2024 The term “emotional fitness” has been buzzing around for a while, but what if we applied this thinking to our communication and public speaking skills?  All too often we will watch a video, read, a book or attend a training on communication and think, “Those are great tips! I need to do that more!” … Continue reading 3 habits the most successful communicators share (and how you can easily get them)

Why you should focus on habits instead of resolutions this New Year

  By Stephanie Vozza January 01, 2023 If you’re considering making a New Year’s resolution for 2023, you should know that your brain is working against you. That’s because we have reptilian brains that want to protect us, which includes a “fight or flight” reaction to change, says Jeremy Campbell CEO of Black Isle Group, … Continue reading Why you should focus on habits instead of resolutions this New Year

In-App Spending Habits: 24% Of Gen Z Would Pay One-Time Fee To Remove Ads

In-App Spending Habits: 24% Of Gen Z Would Pay One-Time Fee To Remove Ads by Laurie Sullivan  @lauriesullivan, September 8, 2022 What turns an app into a favorite and how much are gamers and non-gamers willing to spend for in-app purchases varies based on several factors. Some want a one-time fee to remove ads, while … Continue reading In-App Spending Habits: 24% Of Gen Z Would Pay One-Time Fee To Remove Ads