by Stephen Jeske Follow @stephenjeskeAugust 23, 2016 If you thought Pinterest was just another social media site, think again. In June, the company released information on “new ways to shop with Pinterest,” cementing its position as a viable purchasing platform. Granted, it’s been about year since they introduced a way to buy stuff found on … Continue reading How Pinterest’s Shopping Cart Implementation Affects Marketers
Tag Archives: Implementation
3 Secrets To A Successful Growth Driven Design Implementation
by Roman Kniahynyckyj July 28, 2016 Follow @kniahynyckyjJuly 28, 2016 We’ve been working with a number of clients who’ve chosen a Growth Driven Design approach when refreshing their website and have seen great success. Our client successes and the challenges we’ve encountered in those successes have taught us some important lessons – the secrets of … Continue reading 3 Secrets To A Successful Growth Driven Design Implementation
The Purpose of Designing an Implementation Process Within Your Startup
by Rick Delgado June 11, 2016 Follow @ricknotdelgadoJune 11, 2016 Business process management has become a key concept because it integrates automation optimization, business processes, workflow design and business strategy into a single idea that can be used in the implementation process. Before you start, you want to devise a plan in advance to have … Continue reading The Purpose of Designing an Implementation Process Within Your Startup
5 Challenges of ERP Implementation
by Paul Bywater November 21, 2015 Follow @BywaterPaulNovember 21, 2015 Spend time and take advice preparing for the challenges of your ERP implementation – or pay the price of failure. Successfully rolling-out a purpose-designed ERP system in any company or organisation will: Boost productivity. Increase efficiency. Dovetail the front-line sales team very effectively to the production departments. … Continue reading 5 Challenges of ERP Implementation
ISO 9001:2015 – The Benefits of Early Implementation
John NolanOctober 4, 2015 The ISO 9001:2015 revision was released into the public domain on Tuesday, September 15, 2015. As part of the standard there is a three-year implementation period, which allows organizations aligned with the 2008 version to have surveillance audits against the 2008 standard, allowing up to September 2018 at maximum for the … Continue reading ISO 9001:2015 – The Benefits of Early Implementation
2 Simple Steps To Making CRM Implementation A Breeze
David MackeyJuly 1, 2015 CRM implementation can be difficult on managers and executives. In fact, if you’ve ever brought in any kind of new software, system, or process for your team to use on a daily basis, you know all about those difficulties. It’s likely you received some pushback. Perhaps you heard things like: “But … Continue reading 2 Simple Steps To Making CRM Implementation A Breeze
5 Tips for Succeeding with Your Marketing Automation Implementation
Now that you have made the decision to implement a marketing automation platform (MAP), where do you go and how do you ensure success as you move forward? It may seem simple enough to, say, flip the switch and scream “It’s Alive”, but it’s not. Just having the technology is not enough to achieve the … Continue reading 5 Tips for Succeeding with Your Marketing Automation Implementation