Kristina Podnar — January 14, 2020 It’s hard to believe it’s been almost three years since the EU enacted its General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which fundamentally changed how businesses collect, process, and store consumer data. For many organizations, the GDPR was a major disruption that forced them to switch from a mindset of “collect … Continue reading How Should SMBs Approach Data Privacy Laws?
Tag Archives: Laws
5 Invaluable Laws of Growth for Scrum Masters
Nagesh Sharma — October 19, 2019 Follow @just4nagesh It’s been a while since I wrote a blog, here is some good news, this is part1 of a 3 part blog series, inspired by the writings of John C. Maxwell, “The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth: Live Them and Reach Your Potential.” This blog is by … Continue reading 5 Invaluable Laws of Growth for Scrum Masters
How strict privacy laws can inform a marketer’s approach to email
Companies should focus on establishing policies that comply with the strictest privacy laws around the world because it’s simply good for business. Len Shneyder on May 17, 2019 The debate around federal privacy laws and regulations has reached a fever pitch as consumers grow increasingly concerned about their privacy. States such as California are enacting … Continue reading How strict privacy laws can inform a marketer’s approach to email
Find Out Whether Your Content Is Subject to Copyright Laws [Infographic]
Susan Gilbert — June 14, 2018 Follow @SusanGilbert — June 14, 2018 How Do You Know If Your Content is Subject To Copyright Laws? Images, music, and videos are what help attract visitors and create an interest for your brand on social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and Twitter. This is where we … Continue reading Find Out Whether Your Content Is Subject to Copyright Laws [Infographic]
The Laws That Entrepreneurs Can Teach Us
Jeff Piersall — June 7, 2018 — June 7, 2018 “You can have, do, or be anything you want,” states Dr. Joe Vitale, metaphysician marketing specialist, and author of The Secret. If you know the force that causes all things to happen and how to harness the power for its proper use, you can have … Continue reading The Laws That Entrepreneurs Can Teach Us
What the New Tax Laws Really Mean for Small and Medium Companies
Dave Scherer — April 6, 2018 — April 6, 2018 FirmBee / Pixabay Seeing your organization’s taxes go down in 2018 might be cause for celebration, but the situation is far from straightforward. Even a single small change to tax law can have ripple effects throughout your entire business. What may seem like a positive … Continue reading What the New Tax Laws Really Mean for Small and Medium Companies
The Laws of Facebook’s News Feed
Joao Romao — October 10, 2017 Follow @joaoromaolx — October 10, 2017 Simon / Pixabay Understanding how Facebook works is tough. Their algorithms are updated constantly and it’s hard to keep track of every change. However, I think it’s quite possible to formulate a couple of rules or laws by analyzing their changes through the … Continue reading The Laws of Facebook’s News Feed
How social ads’ location targeting can side-step electioneering laws
Ads on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and especially Snapchat can be pinpointed to people within polling places’ no-signs zones. Tim Peterson on November 8, 2016 In California — and other states like Texas and New York — you’re not allowed to visibly promote a political candidate within 100 feet of a polling place on an … Continue reading How social ads’ location targeting can side-step electioneering laws
11 Unbreakable Laws Of Social Media Marketing
Sahail AshrafSeptember 24, 2015 We all know how it is, you get your hands on a social media position, or you start to run some serious social media for your business, and pretty soon it’s all going very wrong. You don’t know what you’re doing, and you’re making mistakes all over the place. You need … Continue reading 11 Unbreakable Laws Of Social Media Marketing
3 Laws For Searching LinkedIn Data
Donato DiorioApril 8, 2015 There are plenty of forums that give specific examples on how to use Google search strings to find almost any type of data, including contact information. While I will give some search string examples, I’m going to teach you how to think about search. Knowing how to think about search will … Continue reading 3 Laws For Searching LinkedIn Data