Tag Archives: Measure

Assess and Measure Competitiveness to Stay Strong

Laura Patterson — January 2, 2017 Follow @LauraVEM— January 2, 2017 A Harvard Business Review article reminds us that today businesses face an environment where operating margins are increasing and market leadership is precarious. Being able to quickly read market signals and adapt is essential to sustaining a competitive advantage. Capabilities that lead to a … Continue reading Assess and Measure Competitiveness to Stay Strong

How to Test and Measure Marketing Experiments with Trello

by Sam Warren Follow @rankpayOctober 26, 2016 Designing marketing experiments, monitoring their progress, and measuring results are all essential components to the success of any marketing campaign. Far too often however, the methodology behind this process is either overlooked, disorganized or otherwise poorly managed. To be fair, it can be just a little bit complicated. … Continue reading How to Test and Measure Marketing Experiments with Trello

Using A.I. To Measure Marketing: Q&A With Adgorithms’ Or Shani

by Charlene Weisler, Op-Ed Contributor, October 18, 2016 Or Shani, CEO and founder of Adgorithms,created an artificial intelligence-based marketing system he calls Albert (for Albert Einstein), leveraging A.I. to break through the complexity of digital marketing. Charlene Weisler: How does Albert work? Or Shani:  We developed artificial intelligence technology, which helps to do many of … Continue reading Using A.I. To Measure Marketing: Q&A With Adgorithms’ Or Shani

How to Create, Sustain and Measure Your Email Marketing Engagement

by Kristen Dunleavy Follow @KristenWritesItSeptember 28, 2016 Becoming engaged – as in the “will you marry me?” meaning of the word – is of course an extremely memorable event. No bride or groom will ever forget that magical moment (or moments — some folks do get to experience it more than once). This type of … Continue reading How to Create, Sustain and Measure Your Email Marketing Engagement

How To Measure Attention

by Larissa Faw, September 27, 2016 Advertising is just storytelling. String together some images and words to prod people to buy products. While the industry can effectively develop messages for TV and traditional media, it is trying to figure out how to tell better stories in digital. Nearly all people (99%) who see online ads … Continue reading How To Measure Attention

Facebook wants to show brands how its ads measure up against TV, others

Facebook’s latest measurement news explained using sports analogies. Tim Peterson on September 21, 2016    On Wednesday, Facebook announced a wave of ad measurement news that even Facebook’s VP of measurement, Brad Smallwood, admitted were eyeball-glazing in their nitty-grittiness. But as boring or inside-baseball as they may seem, they’re important. So it’s important to explain … Continue reading Facebook wants to show brands how its ads measure up against TV, others

The #1 Way to Measure Your Social Selling Success

by Sydney SlavinAugust 18, 2016 “Social Selling” is the newest trending method of selling with the focus of using social media to identify and target prospects. LinkedIn created a Social Selling Index (SSI) comprised of four key components: establish your professional brand, find the right people, engage with insights, and build relationships. For a breakdown … Continue reading The #1 Way to Measure Your Social Selling Success