Tag Archives: Measure

Why Now is More Important Than Ever to Measure Employee Satisfaction

Emily Carroll July 17, 2020 COVID-19 has presented its fair set of challenges to HR professionals and organization leaders everywhere. The basic needs of our employees have changed, seemingly overnight. For example, according to LinkedIn’s 2019 Workforce Learning Report, 94% of employees said that they would stay at a company longer if it simply invested … Continue reading Why Now is More Important Than Ever to Measure Employee Satisfaction

10 Social Selling Metrics to Measure & Improve Effectiveness

Jock Breitwieser July 9, 2020 One of the biggest challenges that new social sellers face is knowing how to measure their progress. Social selling is a strategy that includes many different individual tasks and interactions, so how do you measure success?To be an effective social seller, you have to know how to start conversations with … Continue reading 10 Social Selling Metrics to Measure & Improve Effectiveness

When You’re Focused on Upstream, What do You Measure?

Laura Patterson — February 28, 2020 In several recent conversations about Marketing accountability, a question consistently surfaced about which metrics demonstrate Marketing’s value regarding strategy and upstream marketing? It’s a great question. We have some thoughts on metrics and what to measure, but before we launch into these, let’s be sure we’re on the same … Continue reading When You’re Focused on Upstream, What do You Measure?